How He Fell (pt. 1)

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It began in the middle of winter on a cliff, high above the ocean.

Silver had been hunting down another Team Rocket lead, only to find it was just a rumor. He didn't know if he should be happy or disappointed. Happy it wasn't real, that Team Rocket wasn't making trouble in the regions again, or disappointed that he couldn't find anything.

Sighing, Silver ran a hand through his scarlet hair. It was getting really long now, almost to his elbows, and he would have to cut it soon.

His pokegear vibrated in his pocket. He ignored it. It was likely just Blue, checking in. She was probably worried he had gotten kidnapped or discovered something he shouldn't have.

With that thought, Silver took his pokegear out. Before he could answer, a voice yelled out over the wind.

"Silver! Were you seriously going to ignore me?!" A hand clamped down on his shoulder. "Jerk."

"Gold." Silver would recognize that annoying voice anywhere.

"Sheesh, dude, what are you doing out here? And how are you not freezing?" Gold rubbed his hands together, obviously regretting wearing shorts and a light jacket. A pokegear was around his neck. The boy's frosty breath blew onto Silver's face.

"When did you get here?"

"When do you think? The moment I heard where you went was the moment I left. Best friends have each other's backs." Gold flashed his signature grin. "Crys came too."

Silver turned back to looking at the ocean. The overcast clouds made the scene appear dreary and gray. "You-"

"Wasted a trip? Naw. Crys wanted info on the native species, and I wanted something too."

Arceus, he knew that tone.

"Starly Star Pancakes! They only sell them here, you know." Gold had a dreamy look on his face, and just a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth.


"And I know you don't really like trying local delicacies and treats, but these are to die for. They've got cheri berry sauce and honey and-"


"I know they only sell them at a maid cafe, but Crystal says she won't come with, and it's boring by myself." Gold tilted his head slightly, giving Silver a smile full of teeth. "Come with me?"

"... Do I have to?" Silver asked.

"Yeah. If you don't, I won't let you watch Proteam Omega at my house for a month!" Gold smirked like that was an actual threat.

"Fine. Let's go." Silver rolled his eyes.

"Great! C'mon." Gold started walking back towards the town.


What was that? That sound ...

No. He was hearing things.

"Silver! Pancakes don't eat themselves!" yelled Gold, already halfway to the town.

Yeah. He was hearing things.


The second time was when he happened to be in Goldenrod at the same time Gold and Crystal were.

On a date. The same time Gold and Crystal were on a date.

Silver didn't talk to them. He didn't approach them. They were happy, and if he went over there, he knew they would feel the need to include him.

Well, Crystal would. Gold would just try to tell him to leave through glares and weird hand motions,

But Silver just couldn't help the slight knotting in his gut at the sight of them.

It was probably because Gold was driving a car.


It was Yellow who noticed.

Silver acted stiffer around his friends than normal, as if he was reverting back to his old self.

Yellow could see it in his eyes. Well, his Pokemon's, but close enough.

So when Silver came to Viridian City, she invited him over to help in her garden.

Yellow didn't actually think he'd show up though, and she really didn't expect him to actually be good at weeding.

"Hey, Silver?" Yellow asked, her palms sweating from nervousness. Blue was the one who dealt with relationships. Especially Silver's.

But something had told Yellow not to involve Blue in her suspicions this time.

The redhead nodded, his hands busy digging a hole for a some seeds.

"Are you jealous?"

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