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"You are so cute," Blue said, fluttering her eyelashes at her boyfriend.

The brown-haired boy gave a confident smile. "I know I am."

Right now, Blue wanted to slap this boy in the face. But she dated him for two reasons. Number one, making Green Oak jealous. Number two, bragging rights. She was the only Dexholder with a boyfriend.

Blue had put pictures of her and her new boyfriend, Todd, on every social media site she knew. Personally, she preferred the cool type over the loud type, but she needed someone who wouldn't be hurt with getting dropped for another guy. Blue did have some morals.

Green would totally be jealous.

"Hey," Todd said, "want to watch me beat the gym leader?"

Like that was going to happen. Blue barely kept herself from rolling her eyes.



Green was annoyed. That pesky woman was always hanging out with her boyfriend.

Not that who Blue dated was any of his business. It's was just that everywhere he went, they were there. And her boyfriend was so loud; Green was unable to read in his favorite cafe in peace.

So when Todd came to the gym looking for a gym battle, Green happily obliged. He even managed to get special permission to fight him even though Todd didn't have any badges.

Green had to keep himself from laughing when the boy got thrown at the wall. Blue didn't even try to hold back; she laughed her head off.

When Todd finally reached Green, three hours had already passed.

Let's just say the battle was over in three minutes.

"You did good. Was this your first battle?" Green wasn't teasing the loser. He meant every word.

"I've understood the error of my ways!" cried Todd.

Huh? thought Green and Blue at the same time.

"I'll study at the Bellsprout Tower in Johto! I'll become stronger and come back!" The boy did not sound like he was kidding.

Without a second thought, Todd ran out of the gym. Blue finished texting something and pressed send.

"There. Me and that are officially over."

Green smiled. "Good. You going to take down those pictures?"

"Yeah. Also, Ruby needs to wear his glasses. He just commented that you and me make a great couple." Blue gasped loudly. "Maybe its a sign!"

Green rolled his eyes. "Nice try."

"Worth a shot. But seriously, Ruby does need to wear his glasses. All Todd and you have in common is the same hair color."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

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