Chatroom 2

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ComedicMaster has logged on

AllStarActor has logged on

CHAMPION has logged on

ComedicMaster: Dia ate the props again! We're supposed to throw pineapples, not eat them.

AllStarActor: I feel your pain.

CHAMPION: What do you mean?! I take good care of the props.

AllStarActor: Good care means charred at best.

CHAMPION: No! The script wasn't burned!

AllStarActor: What script? You mean the pile of shredded paper?

ComedicMaster: Burrrrnnn.

MunchyOmega has logged on

MyFairLady has logged on

MunchyOmega: Pearl!

MunchyOmega has logged off

MyFairLady: Would not video chatting be easier? I would like to see to whom I am speaking.

AllStarActor: Xtransceiver only goes four ways.

AllStarActor has logged off

AllStarActor has logged on

Cheren101 has logged on

CHAMPION: Hi, Bianca.

Cheren101: What the heck, Black.

CHAMPION: Wah!! Prez, you said Bianca changed her username to make fun of Cheren.

AllStarActor:  SURE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheren101: Isn't that Bianca?

CHAMPION: ddeibvdqwu5783 onbl1365 hdtkbfsqowpq

AllStarActor: ❓❔❓❔❓Did his brain overload again????? Aw....

Cheren101: That's Bianca.

MyFairLady: Pearl? You have been quiet.

ComedicMaster: MY EYES!!!

ComedicMaster has experienced connection trouble and has been forced to log off

MyFairLady: I must go check on him

MyFairLady has logged off


MyFairLady: I cannot log out.

Phantom: Hello, juniors.


Cheren101: I'm glad you're feeling better.

CHAMPION has logged off


Phantom: I'm not Blue.

MyFairLady: What have you done with Pearl?

Phantom: Nothing.


In the Real World, Three Minutes Ago

Pearl sat in his room at his desk, his computer in front of him.

His door burst open, and out came Dia with a fire extinguisher. The dark-haired boy sprayed wildly, a wet cloth over his mouth.

Pearl took a shot straight to the face. Having memorized the keyboard, Pearl typed a little status report.


Diamond wasn't finished though. Foam sprayed all over the room, even getting into Pearl's computer.

"My computer!"

"Did I put out the fire?" Diamond asked.


Phantom: Seriously, I did nothing.

CHAMPION: Prove it.

Phantom: ...

Cheren101: I'm a gym leader. You wanna mess with me?

AllStarActor: Cheren?

MyFairLady: I must change my opinion of you. You're not against using your position for your own benefit.


Phantom: I just came to say that there's a Dex Holder meeting.

CHAMPION: Has another evil team risen from the ashes?

Phantom: It's Green's birthday. November 22.

MyFairLady: My father has called a computer team. A hacker that managed to reach my computer poses a threat to my family's business.

Phantom: Only Dex Holders and people associated with them can enter these chatrooms. I'm a Dex Holder. I'm not Blue or Silver. I don't steal.

AllStarActor: Are you Senior Emerald? 🙃

Phantom: NO.

Cheren101: Yes, Bianca, Senior Emerald is not nearly smart enough to

Cheren101 has been forced to log off from the Chatroom

MyFairLady: That was rude.

Phantom: Just came to tell you about the meeting. Be there, pass it on.

Phantom has logged off

MyFairLady: I lied. There is no computer team.

CHAMPION: Platina lied!

AllStarActor: I got my computer back from Bianca. What happened?

CHAMPION: Oh, just stuff.

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