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Sequel to Kiss

The video had over a million views.

Blue had uploaded it to YouTube, and now hundreds of people had seen it. Crystal didn't know why she felt so depressed when she read the comments.

Precious metal! Eeee! I ship it!

Those two totes belong tgthr

No!!! Silver is mine :'(

Crystal's face LOL

Crystal was rational. Practical. Because of this, she knew there was definitely something wrong with the way her heart started beating when she was with Gold.

The boy was an idiot, through and through. Really, a B on his report card would make a teacher cry with joy.

"Yo, watcha looking at?"

Crystal shut the computer and turned to face the boy in question. Her boyfriend.

His black hair was messed up in its usual style, his stupid, stupid grin plastered on his face.


Gold raised an eyebrow. "Then let me see." He reached for the computer.

Crystal held it out of reach. When the boy kept trying to get it, she kicked him in the gut.

"Ow! SSG, what was that for?" The boy had been knocked back several feet, and now he was clutching his stomach.

"It's called privacy, idiot," Crystal said. Now that Gold was here, that strange feeling was gone. Good, her common sense was coming back.

"But Krissie! I want to see!" Gold flashed one of his pretty boy smiles, the kind he used to pick up girls.

Crystal's rolled her eyes.

In that moment, she had froze, and Gold took the chance to get up and wrap his arms around her waist.

"C'mon, let me see!" Gold dropped the shiny smile and gave her a more serious, sweet one. His eyes sparkled with affection. "Please?"

Crystal felt her heart beat faster in her chest.

Oh no, she thought. I love this idiot.

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