Happy Birthday

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"Happy birthday!" yelled Gold at the top of his lungs. Everyone got out presents and confetti was thrown in the air.

"And merry Christmas!" said Blue. All the Dex Holders had gathered to celebrate Silver's birthday/Christmas.

"It's not my birthday..." said Bill as he walked through the door.

"False alarm!" yelled Red. Everyone put away the presents and decorations. Diamond put the cake back in the fridge.

"Where is he?" asked Yellow as she tried cleaning up the confetti.

"I don't know," replied Ruby. "Should we be worried?"

"Nope," all the seniors said.

"Silver's tough," said Crystal. "He just does things at his own pace."

"And worst case scenario, he got kidnapped again," Green said checking the time.

"Green!" yelled Yellow.

"Great, my sisterly instincts are kicking in," said Blue. She began fiddling with her pokegear.

Meanwhile, Silver was climbing down the chimney. He wasn't that good at surprises, but he might as well try. All the others did with him.

What Silver couldn't figure out was how a fat man like Santa came down the chimney. Blue had told Silver about this "Santa" and he found it weird. An old man was breaking and entering homes. How safe people must feel.

Silver slowly lowered himself down the chimney. Then he lost his balance.

Good news was he fell and landed on his feet. Bad news was soot was everywhere.

All the trainers in the living room let out there Pokemon. They were about to give commands when Silver yelled,"It's me!"

Then he started coughing. Blue ran up and hugged him.

"Oh Silver!" she cried. "You're safe. You're okay. You're ... filthy." Blue let go of him.

"You know the chimney is a gas fire, right?" said Green. "You could have suffocated."

"Way to ruin the moment," Gold said.

Red coughed loudly. Everyone froze for a second.

"I know this is kind of late," Red smiled, "but happy birthday Silver!"

"Happy Birthday!" everyone yelled.

"And a happy new year!" Pearl finished.

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