Just Hear Me Out

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Mangaquest oneshot. First big oneshot. Please tell me what you think. Dedicated to @vanilla_tumblr

Today was the day. Everything was in place. Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

The plan had taken weeks to figure out; studying the targets weakness and preferences had taken much longer than planned. And it all had to be done without Blue noticing. If she had, humiliation and horror would most definitely follow.

First would be the asking out, then came the date. Going to the pokeball specialty store in Goldenrod, a bike ride, maybe watching the Pokeathlon, and dinner at that restaurant in Ecruteak.

Yes, Gold's plan was perfect.

But in the event of a no... Well, Red did say Mt. Silver was nice that time of year.


Crystal rearranged the poke balls for the fifteenth time. Something was unnerving her, and it wasn't a Pokemon ability.

Yes, it was Gold. She hadn't seen him in nearly a month.

What if he got blown up? The thought popped into her mind. The boy was always doing ridiculously dangerous stuff. But surely he hadn't done anything too dangerous ... right?

He's got his Pokemon. Silver's with him. He's fine, Crystal reassured herself.

The door to the room was swung open, and it banged into the side of the wall. The shelf shook, causing the pokeballs to come clattering to the floor.

"Gold!" Crystal yelled. She didn't even have to look. There was literally a sign on the door that said, "Open Gently."

"Uh ... oops?" Gold said. Something was off. Maybe it was the way his clothes were brand new or how his hair was neater than normal, but nevertheless, Crystal put her guard up.

"What do you want?" Crystal sighed. "If you want to borrow a Pokemon for another one of your stupid pranks-"

"No!" Gold said. He blushed and looked down at his feet.

Ah ... That's it. Crystal walked up to "Gold" as calmly as possible.

When the boy looked up, she pinched his cheek with as much force as she could.

"Ow!" Gold clutched his throbbing cheek with one hand. "It was an accident."

Crystal's eyes widened. "You're not Blue?"

Gold shot a glare her way, which looked pretty pathetic compared to Silver's. "Why would you think I was- Oh."

Both teens recalled Blue's Ditto and how she used it. Even a certain incident involving Ruby, Sapphire, and some bullies.

"I, uh, I'm not Blue," Gold stated. He turned his head to the side. "Pinch me if you have to."

Crystal bent down to pick up a few poke balls. "I'm sorry."

Gold closed his eyes. "Do it quick, it really hurts." The boy took a step forward, sending the poke balls rolling across the floor.

Now one certain pokeball rolled into the wall. The Pokemon was released: a Pidove.

Normally, it wouldn't be a problem, but the Pidove crashed into the shelf full of new Pokedexes. They all came crashing down, some cracking, and others falling apart.

A vein bulged in Crystal's forehead. "Get out."


"Get out!"

"Crys," Gold pleaded as the girl pushed him outside. The boy dug his heels into the smooth floor but it didn't help.

"Don't 'Crys' me! Do you know how long it takes to fix a Pokedex? I could lose my job!" That was a lie, but Crystal was too angry to care.

"Just hear me out!" Gold said, grabbing Crystal's wrists.

"And what? Listen to you say how it was somehow Silver's fault?" Crystal wrenched her arms out of Gold's hands.

"No! I want you to go out with me!"

Crystal blinked. Then she laughed without humor. "Is this another one of your jokes?"

Gold shook his head. "I'm serious."

Crystal knew he was kidding around. Gold was never serious about anything, except saving the world. And even then he was an idiot.

But some part of her didn't want to admit the slight, slight possibility that she felt something for him. It was different than what she felt for Silver and Emerald. It was ...

"Love. I love you," Gold blurted.

Crystal wanted to hit him. He was taking this joke way too far.

"Shut up. Stop lying!" Crystal said, her hands shaking. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks, and her heartbeat quickened.

"I'm not lying."

There it was. That look in his eyes. The way they gleamed and stared straight at her, as if she was the only thing worth looking at in the entire world. It was one of the rare times he looked serious, honest.

Crystal wanted to kiss him.

"Fine," she said.


"I'll go on a date with you. Just once. And if I don't like it, that's it, it's over. You got that?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Gold flashed his signature cheeky grin. "It'll be the best date ever, Crystal!"

"Good. Now get out."

"B-But I'm your boyfriend," Gold said, his smile faltering.

"No, you're the person who just destroyed ten Pokedexes which I now have to fix. Get out." Crystal pushed Gold outside.

"Okay, okay. I'm leaving. One last thing."


Gold pecked Crystal's cheek with his lips. "Love you, SSG!"

Before Crystal could say anything, Gold was on his Togetic, flying back to New Bark Town. Probably scared she would hit him.

Crystal brought her fingers to her cheek.

"Love you," she whispered.

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