Operation: Set Up (pt. 1)

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One-shot (ish). Beware of the following ships: OLDRIVAL, FRANTIC, FRONTIER, and DAISYxBILL.

Daisy was fine with the single life. She had her friends, her brother, her brother's friends, and ... Bill.

Who was she kidding? She was totally and completely in love with him. She could never let him know though. Bill was an amazing scientist with a bright future, who didn't need a useless girlfriend with multiple degrees in physics and technology.

He was geeky and a little awkward, but he was also brave and sweet and smart. Daisy would do nearly anything for him.

But telling him could ruin their assistant/scientist friendship. So she kept her feelings a secret. Even her brother didn't know.


Green knew about his sister's crush. And so did Blue. Daisy really needed a lesson on how to be secretive.

So, Green enlisted Ruby, Emerald's, and Gold's help in stopping whatever evil plan Blue had concocted. Silver would obviously take her side, and Red probably had no idea what was going on.

"Right. How are we gonna do this?" asked Gold. Green had called them all to Cerulean City, home of Bill. Blue was most likely to carry out her plan here.

They were all set up in the city, but Green had already left for Bill's house.

"It's simple. You distract Silver, Ruby distracts Sapphire, and Emerald distracts Crystal. We have to make sure Blue gets no help." Green had already explained the situation to his friends and was currently speaking to them by pokegear.

"What about Yellow? Soul could be in this too." Emerald had his gun extended in case he had to shoot any cameras Blue might've set up. So far, he'd shot the Gym, the police station, and Ruby. One of the three threatened him with death by blowdryer.

"I'll take them on a drive with Silver. They won't suspect a thing." Gold proudly held up his car keys.

"The plan's distract them, not kill them!" Ruby yelled.

"Of course. I'd worry more about Sapphire killing you."

Ruby blinked. "What?"

"Can I borrow your Pokégear?" Emerald asked.

"Sure, just don't get it dirty." Ruby took the Pokégear out of his bag and handed the it over to Emerald. The red-eyed boy turned back to Gold. "You were saying?"

"Well, Emerald here is sending a text to Sapphire asking to go on a date with her at the bridge. But it's your Pokégear, so, y'know ..." Gold trailed off.

(A/N: Just pretend it has a text function)

Ruby snatched the device away from Emerald. He glanced at the screen.

From: Ruby

To: Sapphire

Hey Saph, meet me at the Cerulean City Bridge for a date. ;-)

P.S. I have something important to tell you


Ruby said a very bad word and ran off in the direction of the bridge.

"He could've just texted her back saying it was a prank," said Emerald after Ruby was gone.

"He's panicking, which makes him unable to think straight. Did Gold really come up with that plan?" said Green from Emerald's pokegear.

"I did! I'm not that stupid," Gold huffed. "I'm going to find Silver." The boy left find his car.

"I'll find Crys." Emerald walked towards had already spotted the blue-haired girl.

As he was walking on the sidewalk, he tripped. The pokegear in his hand fell on the road. Before Emerald could try and get it, it was run over by a car. Gold's car.

"You're driving too close to the sidewalk!" Emerald yelled. Gold honked his horn in response.

"Emerald? Are you okay?" a female voice said.

Emerald was helped to his feet by a girl. He opened his mouth to say thanks but blushed instead.

"C-Crys ..."


"Emerald?" Green said into his pokegear. Static was all that came from the small communication device.

Cursing, he shoved it into his pocket.

"Hey! Green Oak!"

Green turned around. How he wished he hadn't.

To be continued...

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