A Good Day for Green (pt. 2)

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"This better not be some stupid surprise party," Green said, following Blue.

"Of course not!"


"Mission is a no go! I repeat, Mission Super Surprise Party is a no go!" Gold said into the walkie-talkie.

"Dia! Don't eat the cake!"

"I spent five hours decorating and you tell me it's called off!?"

"Does that mean I can get out of this stupid dress Ruby put me in?!"

There was a crackle on one of the other lines.

"Silver? Did he just-" said Gold.

"He pulled a Norman and crushed the walkie-talkie," Emerald answered. "I do not want to be Green right now."


A Secret Grotto. That's where Blue led him. Normally they could only be found in Unova, but other regions had them too. Sort of like the Secret Bases in Hoenn.

Inside the Grotto, a plaid picnic blanket was laid out. On the blanket was brown basket.

Blue snickered. If that wasn't warning enough, Green saw a flash of metal. Cameras, most likely.

Blue took a seat on the blanket, before patting the spot next to her. "Come sit."

All of Green's instincts were screaming at him that this was a trap. And what did he do?

He sat down.

And as much as he hated to admit it, Green actually enjoyed himself. He and Blue actually had conversations they hadn't had time for in months. With Blue's family and Green's job, the best they ever could do before was a quick pokegear call.

It was nice. Really nice. Too nice.

"Why're you doing this?" Green asked.

"What? Being a decent friend? Do you really think that low of me?" Blue spoke like she was joking, but there was something hidden in her voice.

"No. You're a ... great friend. You just go overboard sometimes." If sometimes meant almost always.

Blue's eyes sparkled with (probably) fake tears. "Greenie!" She hugged him, wrapping her arms around his chest,

Green put a hand on her back and rolled his eyes.

That was the perfect moment for the others to burst into the Grotto.

"Woah!" Gold's eyes went wide. "We'll just leave you two alo-" Crystal smacked him.

Green instantly let go of Blue. She did as well, a light blush on her cheeks.

Silver glared, and Green shivered. The boy's killing intent was obvious.


Everyone turned to look a Ruby, who had a camera in his hands.

"Uh ... Happy Birthday?"


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