Silver's School

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"Silver! Get you're butt down here!" yelled Gold.

Ever since they fought Arceus, Silver lived at his house for some reason.

"Gold!" said his mother. "Silver's already down here!"

Gold ran down the stairs. At the bottom was Silver tying his boots.

"Why aren't you in uniform?" asked Gold.

"I'm not going to school."

"Dude, if you don't go to school you can't get a job! If you don't get a job- Holy Guacamole, I sound like Crys!"

Silver sighed. "I already know enough. Besides, I can get a job as a professional thief like Janine."

"She's still a gym leader!" If Gold didn't get Silver to school, Crystal would lecture him for hours. He shuddered at the thought.

"Give me one good reason to go to school."

Gold racked his brain for one. Then it hit him. Literally.

"What are you guys still doing here?!" yelled Crystal as she kicked a pokeball at Gold.

Gold caught the pokeball. "There's a good reason," he said, pointing at Crystal.

Silver got up and headed towards the guest room, which had become his room.

"Gold! How could you let Silver try to skip school?!"

"I wasn't letting him," said Gold."I was trying to stop him! And don't you go to school in Violet City?"

"That doesn't matter. Blue is relying on us to send Silver to school!"



Silver heard the sounds of Gold and Crystal arguing.

Those two fight like an old married couple, he thought.

Silver put on the uniform that was in the closet. It was ironic that Gold was the same size as him.

When he came back down, Gold and Crystal were still arguing.

"You're a bad influence!" yelled Crystal.

"I'm a bad influence? What about you, Miss Violent!"

Gold's mother sat in the kitchen, not minding the argument. Silver supposed she had gotten used to loud noise, being the one who raised Gold.

Suddenly, Crystal turned on him. "Silver, you are going to school even if I have to drag you there."

Silver nodded. He had learned long ago not to mess with her. Crystal, Gold, and himself started towards school. When they got there, Crystal stopped.

"I'm warning you," she began.

"Don't cause trouble," finished Gold in an impression of Crystal's high voice. Silver heard a few girls sigh, and some glared at Crystal.

When Crystal left, Gold was instantly surrounded by a crowd of students.

"I'll catch up to you later!" yelled Gold as he was swept away by the crowd. "Your classroom is 8A!" Silver nodded and walked away.

Thirty minutes later, and Silver still hadn't found the classroom. It felt like he had walked every inch of the school.

"Are you lost?" said a voice.

Silver's hand instantly went to his pokeball and released his Feraligator. It was a girl. She had her hair in pigtails just like Crystal. In fact, she looked an awful lot like Crystal except her hair was brown. But for some reason, she reminded him of Gold.

The girl put up her hands. "I-I just asked if you w-were lost. And you're not allowed to take out Pokemon at school."

Silver returned his pokemon. "Do you know where classroom 8A is?" he asked.

The girl brightened. "Sure I do! That's my class! I'll show you!"

The girl grabbed Silver's hand and led him through the halls. Eventually, they reached the classroom.

"This says 3A," said Silver.

"I know! Weird huh? It used to be called 8A!"

Silver groaned. No wonder he couldn't find the classroom. Trust Gold to tell him the wrong class name.

"I'm Soul!" said the girl perkily.

"Silver," he said and entered the classroom. Maybe school wouldn't be so bad.

------A few minutes before------


Something felt off. Then Gold realized it. It was 3A not 8A. How could he mess up so badly! Silver would be looking for the wrong classroom.

Oh well, I should text Soul, he thought. They're in the same class.

Soul was Gold's cousin, who idolized Crystal a bit. She had changed her entire image to match Crystal.

Gold texted Soul.

Gold: Gave friend wrong class #. Can u find him? He's the glaring redhead. U've seen pics.

Lyra: Sure! I see him now! :D

Gold: Thanks!

Well, that's one problem solved, he thought.

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