Blue's Education

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Blue loved her parents, but she was tired of them. Not them specifically, but the way she was treated.

Blue's parents were rich. They were as rich as the Berlitz family of Sinnoh. Being their only child, her father wanted her to inherit the company. He gave her a ton of tutors everyday.

Her mother bought her frilly dresses and treated her like a fragile doll that might break at any second. Blue had faint memories of stuff like this happening when she was younger.

Her tutors treated her like a poor traumatized girl. When she got an answer wrong, (Which was rarely. Daisy had taught her when she stayed with the Oak family, but that's a story for another time) they treated her gently like they expected her to cry.When she told Yellow this, Yellow quietly pointed out that she was traumatized for a while with the fear of birds.

Blue felt sick of being treated like this. She needed them to have the same image the other Dex Holders had of her. Independent, with a dash of scary.

"Do you know the answer?" asked her tutor, Mrs. Marcia.

Blue's pokegear started ringing. It was Sapphire. Well, that's a surprise.

"Please turn your pokegear off, Dear," said Mrs.Marcia.

No time like the present, thought Blue, as she clicked answer on her pokegear.

"Senior Blue?" asked Sapphire.

"Don't call me Senior. It makes me sound old." Blue watched her tutor's reaction. Mrs.Marcia made motions that seemed to be asking Blue to shut the pokegear.

"Blue," said Sapphire,"I have a problem."

"Hit me,"said Blue. Mrs. Marcia was now holding a sign that said, Put down the Pokegear!!

"Ruby's getting bullied, and I want to help him."

Blue sighed. "Are you sure Ruby wants help?"

Mrs.Marcia was now beginning to breathe heavily.

"Positive.He's just too prideful to admit it."

"Fine, I'll help. But you will owe me."


"Are you okay with blackmail?" asked Blue. Her tutor was walking towards her.

"Any other option?" Sapphire asked.

"I guess battling them would work."

"Thanks," said Sapphire. The call ended.

"No using your pokegear in class!" yelled Mrs. Marcia, as she snatched the pokegear.

Instantly, a maid and Blue's bodyguard (her parents had insisted she have one) rushed inside.

"Are you okay, Miss Blue?" asked the maid.

"I'm fine," Blue said. "It's my fault." Blue didn't really like her tutor but she didn't want her fired.

Later that evening, Green called her.

"I heard about what happened with your tutor."

"Mhm," Blue replied. She mentally facepalmed. Mhm. Great response.

"If you want, I can ask your parents to send you to a college in Viridian City."

"Why would I want that?"

"Because, Pesky Woman, I thought you might want a normal school life."


"Before you come up with a sassy response, you said yourself you wanted a normal life. And Silver's starting High School."

Blue paused. "Did you just say the word sassy? Who are you and what have you done with Green?"

"I'll take that as a yes."



Why had he called that annoying woman? It wasn't like he actually cared, right? Green shook his head. Right now he had to go to college.

When Green was at the school gates, his pokegear started ringing.

"Greenie~,"said the voice on the other end.

He felt a sharp tap on his shoulder and turned around.

"Hey Greenie!" said Blue.

"Why are you here?"Green questioned.

Blue made a pouty face. She could be so childish at times.

"You wanted me to go to college, right?" Blue said, gesturing at the building. Green realized what she meant.

"Arceus darn it, Blue! I meant Yellow's college!"

"Too bad. You're stuck with me!"

Green groaned. It was going to be a long four years.

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