Proteam Omega

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3rd Dex Holder Reunion


"Wow, Dia, aren't the seniors amazing!" said Pearl after listening to Senior Gold talk about fighting Arceus.

"I always wondered how the legendaries got free," said Platina.
Diamond nodded, munching on his doughnut.

"Hey, who's that!" yelled Pearl. He pointed to a redhead reading a book on the couch.

"He looks like he does not want to be disturbed. I'm going to find the Dex Holder whose record I beat," said Platina, as she walked away.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm going to find Senior Emerald. I wonder what he looks like..." said Pearl. He walked away as well.

Dia walked over to the couch. "Mind if I sit?" he asked.

The redhead said nothing, so Dia took it as a yes. He sat on the couch.

"I'm Diamond, but you can call me Dia," he said. Again, the redhead said nothing. Dia looked over at the pages of the book he was reading.

"Hey, I've read that!" said Dia. It came out louder than he meant.

"You've read Common Sense? asked Senior Green from across the room.

Dia looked at them confused.
"That's volume three of Proteam Omega," Diamond said.

"Proteam Omega?" Asked Senior Red, taking the book from the redhead.

"Silver? Into manga? Puh-leeze," said Senior Blue, rolling her eyes.
Seniors Gold and Crystal chuckled nervously.

Red dropped the fake cover on the book. The title clearly said Proteam Omega.

"I stand corrected," Senior Blue said.

"Cool!" Senior Red yelled. "These Pokémon look just like mine!"

Everyone in the room sweatdropped.

Senior Silver glared at Dia. If looks could kill, Dia would be a pile of ash on the floor.

"You're Senior Emerald?!" screamed Pearl from across the room. Everyone turned their attention that way.

"Hey, Silver, can I borrow this?" asked Senior Red.

Senior Silver nodded. Senior Red got up and left.

"So you like Proteam Omega?" Dia squeaked.

"Yeah," Senior Silver said.
The two fans spent the rest of the party discussing Proteam Omega.

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