Chapter 15

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Idek some weird shit happens here lol.  Also the song Float by the Neighbourhood is on the side because it kind of matches Laney's situation (and what she talks about with Sasha)

Chapter 15

I hated secrets. Especially since there seemed to be so many going on in this damn house I was trapped in. It seemed as though there would always be something that I didn't know and it was unfair if you ask me. The entire situation with me being here was unfair in general, honestly.

I was moping around when I heard voices floating down the halls to me. I frowned and walked towards where they were so I could hear what was going on.

"-herself," I heard one voice say.

A distinctively lower one continued the conversation. I reached the room and pressed against the door slightly so I could peek inside, nosily. "She doesn't need to be going on another trip, Zayn." I recognized it as Harry and had an itch that they were talking about me.

"Why not? For all you know she'll love Russia," Louis spoke. I saw his figure through the door and he was standing with his hands in his pockets, taking them out to pointedly throw his hands in the air.

"It's too soon," he fought in a firm voice.

"Haz, we can't just leave her here by herself," Liam insisted. "We'll be gone at least until Christmas day and she could get away; see how that's a problem?" 

I moved and saw Harry, dragging his hand down his face. "She can't go," he argued. "She's not ready, guys, come on." After a moment Harry used the mention of my age as a plea. "She's sixteen."

I gulped as I remembered that my birthday was soon. It was little over a week away.

"Okay, then, why don't you stay with her?" Louis proposed.

I could see heads moving to look at Louis who appeared quite smug. He shrugged. "I reckon the two of you have some strange complicated friendship and since she's so important to you I think if anyone should be here looking after her, why not you?"

I wanted to stick around, but I decided that I should get moving in case their little meeting was reaching a conclusion. I'll find out the conclusion soon, anyways.

I turned my back to the door and began to move back to my room. I wanted to turn on some music and just stare at the wall, because that's my most popular hobby now a days. I was almost there when a figure stepped out in front of me. I stopped clumsily and they went, "Oh! Sorry!"

I looked up and saw that it was Sasha. After what had happened my first night here I just found her presence uncomfortable and that hadn't changed. In fact, if anything, it had amplified. What if Sasha in some way had tried to take things as far as Jake? I backed away from her quickly, putting distance between us. I looked behind me, seeing that where the boys still seemed to be wasn't so far. I pursed my lips and said, "Excuse me."

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