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Jedda sat under the window by her couch, laptop in hand and a small note book. She knelt and moved to put her hands over the window rails. It was dark outside and the moon was full. It was only one star in the midst of the blue heavens. She starred up lovingly, like she always did on the balcony of their classroom. She started composing;

"When she fell in love,

Her whole body,

Sang a song similar

And it was like

Everything around her became alive

She smiled all the time

Like everything made her happy

Even when I pushed her

Or stole her food

She just looked at me and went back

To whatever she was doing

Before I interrupted her

He was the only

Bird in her nest

She lived to see him happy

She lived to be with him

She didnt care where they ended up

Slums, suburbs, or in skyscrapers

As long as they were together

She took a chance

To spend each and every last penny

She owned with him

They went to parks,

Dates on full moons,

Under the bright blue heavens,

All shiny and with small


Dazzling and enchanting

Clear in the galaxies

Was their portrait

Polished and bright

Emitting rays and beams

Of unending love

So beautiful was the

World to me.

Until my star aligned itself

To get a new catch

It found a perfect much

I wanted to liberate myself

From the unending torture

From the awkward moments

That I have had to endure

I have had to blush

Whenever I feel that energy

Just by looking at you,

I have felt the feel of your skin on mine,

The beat of your heart with mine,

The joy I get by watching your

Eyes light up at the spot

When I see you

That small moment when I felt your tender curves

SPIRITED (The Blended Hearts Series)Where stories live. Discover now