chapter-1-Young master?

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"Father we will be departing soon." Beacrox said as he enter Ron's bedroom.

Ron just nodded and keep arranging the papers in his hand.

Then a 'tch' came behind Beacrox. "I don't get why you guys are still caring about that trashy bastard."

Ron head snapped back and glare at the person behind Beacrox. "Cale Henituse. His name is Cale Henituse you punk."

Choi Han just scoff. "So what he is a good for nothing bastard isn't he." Choi Han glare at Ron.

They were glaring at each other that it was making the others who were just waiting outside uncomfortable.

Rosalyn look at Ron and back at Choi Han before shaking her head. 'They always fight like this when it comes to Cale Henituse.'

Even though he has already left the Henituse family Ron still care about the young master.

Who could blame him he and Beacrox were the ones who watch him grow up.

While on the other hand Choi Han despite the young master. Well one couldn't blame him when they heard what happen.

The two off them always fight like this when it comes to the young noble.

It has been worst as of late. It all started six months ago. Just before the battle between the Henituse territory and the indomitable alliance.

They teleported there to help them but when we got there the first strange thing we heard was that the first young master has gone missing over night.

They remember many people make assumptions. Some say that the young master was afraid so he left his family behind and run away by himself.

Some say that the young master was kidnapped. If so why? Why would someone kidnappes a good for nothing.

The Henituse family never replied to any of those words. As of they seem to know something.

The other shocking thing was that when we get there count Henituse thank them with a sad expression and told us that the indomitable alliance will not be attacking them.

They tried to asked him why but he just shook his head. He look like he was about to cried so they didn't asked much further.

To the count's words the indomitable alliance never attack the Henituse territory.

It was kinda suspicious how the count know. It has been six months since then.

Right now they are on our way to one of Arm's secret bases.

Eruhaben has receive words from the world tree that in order to win against Arm they have to broke into this base and retrieve the treasure, hidden in the deepest parts of the base.

Even Cage received words from the god of death. They were kinda excited to see what kind of treasure they will find there.

The elves gave them a map that was drawn according to the world tree's description to the room where they hold the treasure.

They head out to the base a moment later. The group going contain, Ron, Beacrox, Eruhaben, Rosalyn and lock.

The others stay behind just in case some emergency came up.

Thanks to their strong powers and the god of death's help (they were also curious on why is the god of death being concern about this so called treasure,they can tell he seem to want to retrieve it as soon as possible.) they were able to broke into the base easily.

They went down to the secret room that was in the deepest parts of the base.

Everyone was surprise on how tight the security was near the room. There are black mages and dark elves roaming around the halls guarding the place.

They become unnoticed thanks to Eruhaben's magic. Once they were in front of the room, Rosalyn gasped.

She has never seen this much protection and restriction magic place in one place before.

There is also seem to be more inside. Rosalyn is not sure but she can feel it.

"Just what kind of treasure it is that they put so much effort into protecting it."

Rosalyn said in shocked. "Well only one way to find out." Choi Han said as he broke down the door with his black aura.

They open the door to a dark room. Once they step inside Eruhaben immediately put on a barrier.

"There seem to be an abundance amount of sleeping poison in the air." "Why would they put sleeping poison in a treasury room."

Choi Han asked clearly confused. "Maybe it's a trap to anyone who broke in?"

Rosalyn answered not so sure herself. "Whatever the reason is we should quickly finish this and quickly get out of here."

Ron said as he glared at his surrounding, trying to adjust to the dark.

Then Eruhaben made a ball of light with his mana.

"Young...master?" Ron's eyes widen.

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