chapter-18-now let's get started.

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Cale has already explain everything on how he met and came to take care of Raon.

The story Eruhaben heard was nothing like he had ever seen. Well in the first place he has never meet someone like Cale Henituse in his almost 1000 years of life.

So he also suspected that Raon might also be somewhat different than the rest of the dragons.

But what Eruhaben saw was nothing like what he has expected. Raon was way different from a normal dragon.

"Little kid do you want to know what your attribute is?" Eruhaben smirked.

Raon puffed his chest. "Goldie I'm a great and mighty dragon. So stop calling me a little kid."

When Raon keep blubbering Eruhaben glance at Cale to saw him smiling faintly.

"Also what is my attribute." Raon tilted his chubby dragon head, which made him extremely adorable.

Cale face immediately turn indifferent the moment Eruhaben said that. Eruhaben flicked Raon's head gently.

Eruhaben then turn to Cale. "His attribute is present."

It has already been an hour since they were call into the room by Cale. They were all sitting there while drinking tea.

Thirty minutes ago Hans and Freesia came in and serve some tea. They also inform them that Cale will be with them shortly.

They had been waiting for thirty minutes now. Alberu was just drinking tea.

He seem to be very deep in thoughts. The others thought that Alberu was just thinking about the future but Alberu was actually thinking about a certain red head.

Choi Han was frowning. He was annoyed that Cale made them sit there for a whole hour.

Ron was worried because he heard that Cale went out for an important business.

He also heard how the kittens came in running while crying about something and how Cale left with a frown.

Pendrick was wondering where Eruhaben was. Beacrox was just sitting there indifferent.

Rosalyn was wondering what was happening. She notice how everyone was inside the room.

So she decided to asked. "Umm when is young master Cale coming. I thought he calls us here."

Hans smiles. "The young master is currently with a very important individual right now.

So I hope you all understand it and wait patiently." Alberu turn toward Hans and smile his fake smile.

"Is this person Raon?" He had heard how the kittens and Cale said something about Raon.

Hans smile brighten. "Yes the young master is currently with Raon-nim." Then the room went silent again.

Then while they were in their own thoughts the door open as Cale enter. Eruhaben was no where to be seen.

Cale came in with an indifferent face but since most of the people in the room are very observant people they seen how Cale seem somewhat happy.

Cale came in and sit down. "I apologies for making you all wait." "Where is Eruhaben-nim."

Pendrick asked as Cale smile obviously. "He is talking with Raon." Pendrick just nodded.

No one asked him who Raon was because they has seen how Cale didn't want to tell them before.

But everyone was curious. Alberu was curious at this Raon person and feel slightly jealous.

Choi Han wanted to know who this Raon was that Cale put too much priority for.

Ron was just worried about his previous young master's safety. If Ron had known Cale was like this sooner he wouldn't have left him.

Ron just left Cale because he might accidentally drag Cale into danger and because he wanted revenge.

Rosalyn, Lock and Pendrick were wondering what this Raon person and Eruhaben was talking about.

Then Cale snapped all of their thought as he started speaking. "Then shall we get down to business."

The atmosphere inside the room become serious in a second. Hans and Freesia has already left.

Then Cale turn to Rosalyn. "Miss Rosalyn could you please put up a sound proof barrier."

Rosalyn set up the barrier. Once the barrier was set up Cale look at all of them, as he released a bit of dominating aura.

"From now on everything I tell inside here will be only kept between us until you get premission."

Everyone nodded as they felt the intense pressure coming from Cale. Cale release the dominating aura.

They released a breath that they didn't know they were holding. Cale nodded.

Then the door open again as Cage came in. "Have you sober up?" Cale asked while smiling.

Then Cage smirk as she lock the door and came sit down. Then Cale turn to everyone else inside the room.

"I want everyone to make a vow of death. Since this is top secret information I am just being extra careful so please understand."

Everyone agree and then they made a vow of death. "Now let's get started."

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