chapter-57-then shall we start?

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Cale flinch for a second time. 'What the fuck is wrong with the both of them.

What is all this about hating, hitting and being mad. I didn't even know what you did.

Did I do something to make them like this? I don't think so. I haven't even do anything yet.'

Cale patted Alberu's back. Alberu flinch at the sudden contact. "I don't hate you."

Cale softly said as he keep patting Alberu's back because he don't know what to do.

Alberu dug his head deeper into Cale's shoulder. He breath in Cale's sweet scent.

Cale smell like nature. He smell like a forest after a rain. Cale smell was so sweet and fresh.

It's so addicting. Alberu could smell this all day long. He felt as if all of his fatigue melt away with a few words from Cale.

Cake could feel Alberu relaxing. So he broke the hug much to Alberu's dismay.

Cale look at the smiling Alberu. Yes. Alberu was smiling. His smile is different from before.

Alberu's smile seem genuine and sweet. Cale even thought it's nice to see him smile like this.

"You have a charming smile your highness." Cale bluntly said his thoughts out aloud.

Alberu blush. "Then should I smile more." Alberu held both of Cale's hands and cupped his cheeks.

Then he turn his head and kiss the palm of his left hand. Cale tilted his head to the side.

Alberu chuckle at how cute Cale was. "I won't do anything you don't like. I will only do everything you like Cale."

Alberu then look at Cale's indifferent face and smile. 'Just as I thought he is a very hard to get.

But it's fine. The most precious jewels are the hardest to break after all. I will devote myself entirely.'

Contrary to his calm face Cale's mind was a mess. 'What the fuck why did he do that.

Why the fuck does he kiss my hand. And what the fuck is he saying. Well it would be my advantage if he does as I say.

But why would he do that. Is it because he felt indebted to me for helping him.

Well I did heard from Rok soo-hyung that he was this kind of a person. And I don't mind free stuff.

So I guess it fine. Yeah according to Rok soo-hyung, I should make use of everything I can to get to my goal.

Although I shouldn't be taking someone's debts for credit but if it would help me with my goal then I don't mind. After all I am a trash.'

Cale thought as he nodded. It was a wonder to Alberu how Cale could just nod like that without being flustered at what he just said.

Most people would be over the roof to hear something like that from him the crown prince of Roan kingdom.

Cale just acted like he just asked of he had eaten dinner. As expected Cale is truly an amazing person.

"Also your highness sleeping on the desk is not healthy." Cale scolded the prince as he took his hands back.

Alberu froze. Was he. Cale was. Did he just. Did Cale just worry about him. *A complete misunderstanding.*

Alberu was happy as he became even more flustered. "Ye- Yeah." He avoided eye contact.

While Cale was thinking. 'He shouldn't get sick yet. I still need him to do something about that 'crimson rose hero-nim'.

Who the hell ce up with that name. Now that I remember did I just awaken my fifth stage.

So I ascended two stages within a week. That's new. Should I visit the world tree.

I guess I'll do that after smacking that white thing in the back. That remind me I have to go back.'

"Then your highness I'll be taking my leave." Cale said as he rip a teleportation scroll apart and his body started becoming transparent.

Alberu remember something as he asked. "Why did you come here in the first place."

"Oh right your highness something will be happening inside the forest of darkness tomorrow.

So please take care of it. I have already informed my father about it. Then have a great night."

Alberu was left confused. 'Something will be happening inside the forest of darkness tomorrow?'

Alberu sigh as he brush his face with his hand and smiled. "You really are driving me crazy."

Cale return to the castle of light that night and slept. The next morning he woke up to see the three dragons in the living room.

The kittens were following him. Cale handed Eruhaben a magic bag. "Would this be enough?"

Eruhaben look inside the bag and nodded. He wasn't even going to ask how Cale got these magic stones.

"Then shall we start?"

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