chapter-38-please don't worry.

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Choi Han and his group reappear inside section 7 of the jungle. There was someone waiting for them.

It was atanned woman with a black panther. "Are you Choi Han and the heros?"

The woman asked as Choi Han nodded. "I am Litana the queen of this jungle."

"I am Choi Han and this is my group." Litana nodded. "I was contacted by the crown prince of Raon. So how do you plan to take out the fire?"

"We. Have. Our. Ways." Litana expression turn odd. Then she eyed at Choi Han suspiciously.

The kittens started snickering into Lock's clothes as Choi Han acting was terrible.

Cale mentally sigh. Then he step in front of Choi Han. "Your highness I think it would be better if we were to take this somewhere private."

The queen eyed at the white cloak figure before nodded and gesturing them to follow.

They arrived at a campsite. There were many tents and people who seem to be the people of the jungle.

They went into the largest tent. The people inside greeted Litana. "Your majesty your back."

Queen Litana greet them back. Then they all sit down. "Now what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Litana turn to them with Ten growling beside her. Cale took his hood off to reveal a holy looking person.

"A priest?" Litana subconsciously blurted out. The said looking priest chuckle.

Then he touch his hair as it turn to red and his eyes to caramel. "A person disguise as a priest your majesty."

"And you are." "My name is Cale Henituse, the eldest son of count Henituse.

And as you previously asked as I have an ancient power that allow me to use water.

I can put out the fire with it. As for who cause the fire I would explain it to you."

Then Cale started explaining about how Arm and the empire and everything related to white star roughly.

They arrived here at dawn and it was almost noon.

"If you want more information I will be more than happy to share it with you later. As we are in a hurry right now."

Litana nodded. "It seem like this Arm is a big problem. I will think about it but first we need to take care of the fire."

Cale nodded than his hair and eyes change back to the holy appearance. They walk out of the tent and toward the section 1 of the jungle where the fire should be.

And everything went smoothly just as planned which made Cale felt a little iffy.

They took out the fire and the dark elves are cleaning up.

Since everything has been smooth. Too smooth. After taking out the fire an emergency call came from Freesia.

-Young master the indomitable alliance is already at Caro kingdom's shore.

Cale then turn to Litana. "It seem that I have to go your highness. Please call me if anything came up."

Litana nodded. She look at Cale in awe. She had seen Cale cough up blood.

She had heard from the others that Cale is just weak and this almost a usual thing.

She was touched that this noble would even go that far to help her. "Young master please take care as well."

Cale nodded ignoring the admiring gaze that she was directing at him. Then they teleported away.

They appear near the Caro kingdom shore where they decided to meet up. Alberu already inform to crown prince Valatino.

They then saw crown prince Valatino with the Caro kingdom soilders. They can also see the empire soilders behind him.

They had heard that crown prince Valatino had requested help from the empire.

It is acceptable since the Caro kingdom's crown prince and the empire's crown prince were friends.

And the Caro kingdom didn't know anything about Arm. Once again everything proceeded as planned.

Cale also couldn't get rid of the iffy feeling but something went wrong. The ships started coming up to land with wheels.

And they started loading up cannons. Cale had a rough idea what those cannons contain.

So before the ships could fire Cale use his bind to pull everyone on the battle field back to the castle.

"Miss Rosalyn!" He shouted as Rosalyn immediately know what to do and cast a shield.

Roan also cast a sheild. The cannons finally fired as black mana bombs started firing.

Valatino look at the black mana bombs in shocked. 'Raon.' Cale called out to the little dragon.

-Do you need something human?

'Get Mary and the dark elves immediately.'

-Alrright I will be back shortly. Stay safe. Talented Rosalyn please take care of the human.

Raon said before leaving. Valatino turn to Choi Han. "Hero-nim what are we going to do."

"Please don't worry."

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