chapter-42-the delicious food.

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On unlike her dense guardian was sharp and immediately know what was happening.

She look at her guardian who was in a delusion. Cale is someone who is usually very sharp but he can also be very dense when it come to emotional stuff and his reputation.

She knew what Cale was thinking. Cale must be thinking that the maids turn away because they were afraid of him.

But On knew that the maids only turn away because of the opposite. On knew that her guardian is handsome.

Aside from Cale himself everyone else knew that Cale Henituse has very good looks.

Even when he was still trash. On often hear people complimenting Cale looks but criticizing his personality.

Saying things like he is pretty outside but rotten inside. On also saw the red ears of the maids.

And had heard of the gossips since she is a cat tribe memeber. "Omg the young master is so handsome."

"Do you see how cool he look." "I know right." The maids were gossiping not knowing Cale can hear them.

"They must be talking about Basen." Cale mumble as he walk away while smiling.

Since he knew that there is no way they could be talking about him. On just sigh looking at this interaction.

Cale look down at On. "Is something wrong?" On just look back at Cale with a blank look.

"Cale youa re so dumb nya~" Hong said as he shake his head. Cale look at the childern that were saying he was dumb.

-Human you are smart but very dumb. It seem like this great and mighty dragon have to protect you.

Cale could hear Raon sighing. Cale expression turn into confusion. 'What are they talking about?'

Cale just keep walking without saying anything else. They arrive at his father office to find the whole family inside.

"Orabuni!" Lily yells as she stand up immediately. "Hyung." Basen also stand up to greet him.

"Cale your here." His father greeted him. "Cale are you ok?" So did his mother.

Cale just nodded. "I have been well. "Grandma, Grandpa!" The three childern yells as they started going around the room.

As the Henituse couple just welcome the childern with wide arms. Cale went to sit down.

They had a very lovely evening tea time before they went their own ways to prepare for dinner.

Dinner was also peaceful. They just catch up to each other before Deruth finally asked the thing he wanted to Cale.

"Cale I heard that you were going to take down the empire?" Cale just nodded.

"Cale will you be fine. Is this what you wanted or is it because of the crown prince."

Deruth frowns. Cale just shook his head. "This is something I need to do for the future."

Cale was telling the truth this is something he needed to do in order to achieve a prefect slacker life.

Meanwhile the others as usual misunderstood his intentions. They thought that Cale was doing this for the future safety of the kingdom.

The servants was touched at the trashy young master's remark. They had seen how Cale was working hard.

He barely had time to return home. He also look so pale and thin when he came back.

He has been working in the shadow for the kingdom. They had heard it themselves.

They had overheard a conversation that the Henituse couple was having and misunderstood things.

Meanwhile Cale was ignorance to all the stars that he was getting because he was deep in thoughts.

'The Whipper kingdom should be contacting us soon. That's good after finishing everything I will just hand all the authority to the crown prince.

Then I can go and hide in a remoted corner of earth. Wait I can go live with Sheritt-nim at the white castle.

I will just let the heroes be heroes while I live out my slacker life. This is a must.

I should also ask the crown prince efor more money since I have help him out a lot.

Honestly what would they do if they just charge in there like that, without any information.

They would die and if they die I can say bye bye to my slacker life. I need the heroes alive to get a slacker life.

Now that I have help them with the information they should be fine. So they won't need me anymore and they can walk down their road of glory while I walk mine as a trash.'

Cale smile to him. As usual the people around him misunderstood that smile.

'He's even smiling even after suffering for us. How admiring.' On just look at what was happening in front of her and sigh.

While the invisible Raon and Hokg was focused on the delicious food.

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