chapter-36-drained out today.

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Cale plopped onto his soft bed. He had just returned from the land of death and get Mary settle in.

To his surprise everyone treated Mary very nicely. Eruhaben seem like he just got himself a new child.

Cale decided that he will not use Mary until she is needed and just train in the remaining time.

Cale has some dragon bone from the time with the whales and the swamp. He was thinking of giving them to Mary.

Ah there are also some wyvern bones that he receive from Choleph as some kind of offering.

There should also be some mutant bones in the forest right? He can just check later.

Right now Cale want to rest. The plan will begin in the next week. He has four days left to rest.

And Cale is  thinking of taking that to his full advantage. The children crawl onto his side.

"Human are you tired?" Raon asked cautiously. Cale just nodded as he doesn't have any energy.

"I am exhausted." Then he started dozing off. The children were talking about something but Cale didn't hear it as he fell asleep.

It's late into the evening. The kids just came back a after showing Mary around the forest of darkness.

They left once Cale fall asleep. It was time for dinner. "Has the unlucky bastard still not woken up yet."

Choi Han shake his head. "Shall Ii go wake the young master up?" Hans asked as he pointed toward the stairs.

"We'll come too." The childern yells. "I will come as well. "Me too!" Choi Han also said following the childern.

Half way there a call came from the crown prince.

-Hmm where is Cale?

"The human is sleeping and we were about to wake him up crown prince." Raon was the one holding the communication device.

-Shouldn't you let him sleep?

"The human hasn't eaten yet!" Raon shouted.

-Shall I call another time? Alberu asked. He wanted Cale to rest. But he also didn't want Cale to skip meals.

Cale was very thin and pale for an average person. "Don't worry crown prince we are here."

As they got closer to Cale's room they could hear talking. Look like Cale was not alone.

Everyone look at each other. They had not felt any presence coming form Cale's room except for Cale.

And it couldn't be a communication device since Cale cannot use magic. They went closer to listen.

"I see is that all." They could hear a man talking. "Yeah I guess so." They also could hear Cale answering the man.

"I see then keep me updated. Also have you been resting enough you look sick."

They could hear Cale sigh. "I am a little exhausted. All I wanted to do right now is to glue myself to the bed."

"You sounded like me. I feel like your starting to act more and more like me." The voice chuckle.

"Well you are the one that raised me after all. How will I not take after you." Cale asked teasingly.

"Disrespectful brat." "Workholic old man." Cale snort back at the voice. Then there was a sigh.

"Well I will better be going. Take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself."

They could hear the man bidding Cale goodbye. "Yeah I know. You also take care."

Cale replied. Then they heard a clock and then a sigh. Cale didn't seem to notice them as they push the door open a little to see Cale.

Cale was looking through the window. They couldn't see anyone else inside the room.

Cale was alone looking outside. His bedhair prove that he had just woken up.

"Stupid hyung. Why is he telling me not to overwork myself when he is the one who is always working so hard."

Cale seem to be mumbling to himself. But the poeple outside the door has enchanted hearing and heard everything.

"I didn't know Cale-nim has an older brother." "Neither did we." The childern chimed behind Choi Han.

Eruhaben sigh. "This unlucky bastard."

-Well this is strange. We can't sense any presence and Cale can't active a communication device so how was he contacting that person.

Alberu asked as everyone remain quiet. Then they just decided to go knock on the door like they just heard nothing.

They drag him to eat. The dinner was only a simple dinner since Ron and Beacrox were at the Molan household.

Freesia and Genshen were at headquarters. The others were also busy.

So it's only Cale, Choi Han, the childern, Eruhaben, Mary, Hans and Rosalyn.

They ate dinner and talked. They didn't asked anything about the mysterious man.

Since Cale did hide it from them. Cale also act like nothing happen. So they just let it go.

Cal felt really drained out today.

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