chapter-82-came prepared.

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Cale seem to be in thoughts as he repeated Clopeh's name. "Clopeh." Clopeh was smiling.

"Yes my Lord." Cale seem to have finally decided on something. "First let's go."

Cale stand up but he put his hand up to stop the Molan duo from coming with him.

"Stay here with Hong and On." Them Cale didn't even look back as he started walking toward the next room.

Clopeh follow behind him. Once they get there and Clopeh close the door. Cale sat on a chair as Clopeh stand behind him and set up a communication device for him.

Then he went to stand behind him like a guard. The communication device got connected as the face of a grey haired man appear.

-My son!

"Shut up and tell me what's going on." Fredo smile at Cale's usual bluntness.

-Right to the point as always my son. Anyways the white star is suspecting the northern alliance now.

That's why he is speeding eveything up. He has capture half of the people inside the Endable kingdom as sacrifices.

Fredo eyes darken at those words. Cale immediately know what happened.

"There are your people inside the group that got captured?" Cale could see Fredo nodding.

Cale rearrange a whole plan in his head. "Fredo just stay still for now. I will have them all rescued.

I will be going to pay a visit to that illusionist at her kingdom tomorrow or maybe tonight.

Meanwhile their attention is diverted to us I will send people to locate the hostages. You just have to stay still and give me information."

Freedom nodded. "Then we will conclude this conversation here." Cale didn't wait for a response as he close the communication device.

There are much to be done and so little time. "Let's go back." Cale order at the Clopeh that was looking at him with a disgusting gaze.

Once they were inside again Ron check if Cale has any injuries but calm down as he notice Cale has none.

Cale sit down at his spot and decided to drop the bomb. "Clopeh?" Clopeh kneel down again.

"Yes my Lord." Cale seem to really decided on something. "Accompany me to the world tree."

Cale just said this one word which Ron and Beacrox snapped their heads to him.

Cale know what they were trying to do and just sigh. "Ron, Beacrox I have a different mission for you. Raon contact Freesia and set him up with Ron.

Ron go to Freesia. You will meet someone with red hair there. He will tell you the information to the secret bases of Arm.

They are holding some people hostages. Save them blow up their base.

If possible use this opportunity to blow as everything as much as possible. Also don't forget to keep the valuables.

Beacrox I need you to go back with Raon and the childern. Clopeh hand me a paper."

Clopeh did as he was order. Cale wirte something down and hand it to Beacrox.

"Hand this note to his highness and asked him in my name to let me borrow them for a minutes and stand by.

The situation has change. We need to hurry up. I will be going to meet the world tree.

After that I will be heading toward the crown prince. Then I need to go somewhere.

Also Raon contact Bud. Tell him to contact our dearest friend, Jopis. It has time for her revenge. We don't have much time. Go."

They wanted to protest but Cale leave no room for discussion so they can only shut their mouth and hang their head low.

Cale just said everything emotionless but poeple could hear the tiredness in his voice.

They all started teleporting to do their assigned task. After everyone teleported away Cale turn to Clopeh.

"Clopeh can we leave now." Clopeh smile. "As you wish my Lord." Cale groan at the nickname.

But it's not like he can fix it. Trust him he had try and it never works so he just leave it be.

Then Clopeh came closer and bow. "Excuse me my Lord." Clopeh hug Cale's waist as he pull him closer.

Then Clopeh took out a teleportation scroll and rip it open while with one hand still circulating around Cale's smaller figure.

Cale just frown at the lack of personal space but decided to stay silent. Then they got teleported away.

They reappear near the lake of despair. A snow storm was still going on as usual.

Then Cale felt something on his shoulder. A warm expensive looking white fur coat was placed on his shoulder.

He turned into the person who put this on him in confusion. Clopeh just smile.

"My Lord you have quite a weak body so it is this lowly's duty to came prepared."

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