chapter-77-Cale's mysterious clock in his pocket.

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Alberu sigh as he lean back onto his chair. As much as he appreciates Cale company it seem like Cale like money more than him.

Alberu doesn't know if he should laugh or cry. He like spoiling Cale but Cale is just ......Cale.

Alberu sigh as he remember something. "Ah I forget to tell him about the upcoming celebration which he has to attend.

Should I go there. But it would be weird to go there in person when I could just contact him with a communication device."

Alberu sigh again as he got up from his seat and walk back to his bed and lay down.

He heard a clacking sound as Alberu reach out to the bump on his back. It was a clock.

To be exact it was Cale's clock. He had seen Cale carry this clock around every time.

Could this clock be something important to him. Alberu smirk look like he found something as good as a reason to go visit Cale personally.

He would want Cale to lose his precious clock right. And this is Cale's belongings.

He couldn't just hand it to a sarvant. This is Cale he is talking about what if this clock is one of his super abnormal and inhumane stuff.

Plus he get to see Cale again even if he just saw him off a while ago. Alberu got up as he fix his clothes.

Then he teleport himself to the coordinates that Cale gave him. He appears in the middle of a majestic black castle.

Alberu froze at the sight that greet him. "What... Is going on?" Alberu had his mouth open slightly unlike a prince.

Beacrox was glaring at Choi Han while holding onto his great sword. Choi Han seem to be avoiding Beacrox's gaze.

Ron was smiling but one can see a chilling sensation inside them. There was smoke coming out of a room.

And there seem to be food stains scatter a lot. And Freesia, Hans and someone others were searching something.

The three childern of the red head seem to be anxious while looking at the stairs.

Lock was trying to calm them down as he seem to be also panicking. Mary was cleaning up with the wolf children.

"Haha your highness ....welcome?" He could hear Rosalyn nervously chuckling.

"Just what happened?" Alberu completely drop his facade as he started frowning.

"Well you see....."

Cale appear back on the black castle in the middle of the dark forest. He felt a weird atmosphere once he got back.

"What's going on?" He asked as he look at everyone. Mary and the wolf childern were cleaning up the room which has food scatter everywhere.

He also saw smoke coming out of the kitchen. Sherrit and Eruhaben seem the most calm out of everyone.

Rosalyn was trying fix a wall. Ron was standing there with his benign smile and a cup in hand.

Cale frown when he smell the lemon tea, he was tired and he was about to reject when Ron started speaking.

"Your back young master." Cale just accept the lemons tea because Ron sound somewhat mad.

"Did something blow up?" Raon asked as he look at the smoke. "Cale!" The two kittens came running as soon as they saw Cale.

"What happen?" Cale asked the two kittens. "Choi Han blow up the kitchen nya~"

Hing answer as he snuggle closer. "What?" Cale can only utter that one word.

"He tried making soup but he accidentally blow everything up and right now Beacrox is chasing him with a sword."

Cale could only sigh. "Ron go call those two over. I don't care whether you drag them here or not."

Ron bow back. "As you wish young master." Then he left in a blink of an eye.

"So how did everything go." Eruhaben finally got down as he asked. "Better than I expected."

Cale bluntly respond as he reach into his inner pocket. Cale smile immediately drop as his eyes widen.

He started feeling all his pockets. "Are you ok human?" The little dragon asked as he could feel his human freaking out.

"I can't find my clock." Cale mutter and that was enough for Eruhaben, Raon, On, Hong, Sherrit, Freesia and Gashan to understand.

They immediately figure what Cale was talking about as they all went to search for Cale's precious clock.

Only the childern and the two dragon know what that clock really is. The others only know it as an important thing to Cale.

They started flipping the whole castle over as those who doesn't know anything just went to clean up.

And somehow Alberu just show up at a bad timing. "....and that's what happen."

"Something important to Cale? Could it be-" Alberu suddenly though about Cale's mysterious clock in his pocket.

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