chapter-54-cale asked.

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-Cale did you get all that?

Kim rok soo asked as Cale nodded while holding a note book. They had been translating Nalen Barrow's diary.

This had been going on for two days since they were translating over a clock.

Cale look back at the notebook that he write the translation down. He also put some of his own hypnosis as well.

-Now you can just translate it by yourself since the beginning.

Kim rok soo grumble. "But hyung I am not as good as you." Kim rok soo has taught Cale Korean since he was little.

They didn't need it when they were talking as the clock somehow translate everything for them.

So they just hear the other speaking their native language. "This is such a mess and why was the first dragon slayer's name is Choi Jung Gun.

It remind me of that puppy punk. They have similar names. Do you think he could also be a single lifer?"

Kim rok soo thought for a moment.

-They could be related. You know. Choi Han, Choi Jung Gun and Choi Jun Soo.

Cale also nodded.

-So that puny kid is a single lifer? -Super rock.

Cale had already told the ancient powers about the Thames family and their related stuff.

"It seem I'll have to do more work. Then I'll see you later hyung." Cale sigh as he close the notebook.

-Hmm get some rest. You seem like a dead body.

Cale just glared at Kim rok soo and close the clock. Then he pick his things up and went back to the entrance.

Cale look back at the empty village. 'The white star did this because he wanted to rule over everything.

Greed and power is a very dangerous thing when in the wrong hand.' Cale thought as he went back up.

Cale walk in the corridor of the castle. He found the three dragons and two kittens inside the foyer in the back of the castle.

"I'm telling I the great and mighty Raon Miru can do it!" He can hear Raon shouts.

"No. Even if you are strong little kid neither you nor I have the power to move this whole castle by ourselves."

Cale came down from the stairs. "What going on?" "Human!" Raon immediately fly and hug him.

Then he move to Cale backs and hang onto him like a Kola. "Meow!" The kittens also came running to him.

He pick the kittens up and carry them. "We were just discussing about moving Sherrit's Castle to the dark forest."

"Hmm why not?" Cale asked bluntly. "We don't have enough mana to move a dragon lord's castle."

Eruhaben sigh at the stubborn father and son. "So you need highest grade mana stones?"

Cale asked as Eruhaben nodded. "How much?" Eruhaben loon toward Cale in confusion.

"How much what?" "How much mana stones do you need." Eruhaben been at the person who was talking as if highest grade mana stones were water.

"About 10 billion counds worth." "I'll get it in a minute." Cale said as he walk away.

Eruhaben look at the unlucky bastard and then back at Sherrit. Sherrit just smile.

Eruhaben was so done ithw Cale he isn't even going to ask anything anymore.

Meanwhile Cale walk toward his room. When he got inside he lock the door and let the kittens down.

"Human are we going back home?" Raon asked as Cale shake his head. "Not yet. I am going back. Alone."

"But human I can't let you go alone. You could get hurt." Raon protest. "Yeah you are weak Cale?"

Hong also chimed in with his younger brother. Cale look at the two boys before looking at On.

"Cale you are someone who could destroy a mountain if you were tasked to make a hole inside a cliff."

On just innocently chimed. Cale sigh. He didn't know why the childern were talking like this.

It's not like he wanted to make trouble. Cale was the type to hate troublesome things.

But trouble just somehow seem to find him. He had been fine for the last 10 years.

But since the day he met that punk Choi Han nothing has been going his way.

"I'll promised I'll be back in a second. I just have to grab something at the Super rock villa and come back.

After that we can move the castle tomorrow. And then." Cale smirk as his eyes turn into a crimson shape.

"We will be scamming and smacking that fucking white thing in the back. Who know we might even cut off his rights arm."

Raon and Hong faces also smirk like Cale as they agree. On just loon at the three and sigh.

After that Cale teleport back to the super rock villa.

"Choi Han?" Cale asked.

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