chapter-15-aren't you coming in?

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The people listening outside has already put on magic so that the people inside can't sense or see them.

They had started having emotions as the conversation goes on.

At first they were kinda amused and surprise by what Glenn said.

Then as the conversation started going in the direction about Arm and that white star who seem to be the leader of Arm, they felt many emotions at the same time.

Then they felt even worse when Cale said the last words. "How pitiful. They don't really know how complicated this whole thing is."

They felt like Cale hit bullseye. Cale was right. They are truly pitiful. They really didn't know anything about Arm.

They didn't even know that whit star was the leader. Much less about the bear tribe or the lion tribe and a lot of other informations.

And here they were preparing to go to war with a scary organization like Arm without any sort of reassurance nor information.

And what with this whole thing about some kind of summoning or something like that.

On the other hand Cale seem really prepared like he has been preparing all of this for a long time.

Since he seem to have a lot of information about Arm and seem to have a lot of reliable allies according to the conversation just a while ago.

But they were surprise to honest. Vampires, the two sun god twins that are on the run and the whale tribe.

And there is even more people that seem to be really strong and inportant people considering that they could even start an international war.

And all those people seem to be head over heels for Cale Henituse since Glenn just said that those people would even start a continental war just because Cale Henituse trip on a rock.

Ron was clearly impressed and proud. They keep listening to what more information they could hear but no more information was heard as they started talking about other non-important things.

They were just about to leave but then the door open. Since they didn't want to alert the people coming out by the sudden change in the air.

Glenn and Taylor come out. They look inside to see Cale still sitting on the sitting area on the window and was looking out into the ocean.

Glenn and Taylor look back. "Choleph has already left for some business. Me and Bud will be going back right now.

Taylor-nim and Cage should still be here until morning to accompany you with the meeting with the 'heroes' tomorrow."

Cale look back. Alberu really think at the moment that Cale look really beautiful.

The moon was illuminating the background and shining down on Cale's figure.

Cale was sitting there with one leg kicking the window frame to keep it sturdy and the other dangling down the window frame to the floor and was gently swinging.

Cale was leaning back to a bunch of soft pillows. Cale wear an extremely lose shirt as Cale red hair was loosely tie back.

Cale posture was very disrespectful right now but Alberu can't help but think that Cale was really pretty.

Cale Henituse was always handsome even when he was still a trash. Alberu can't help but stared at the red head.

So as the person beside him. Choi Han was just staring at Cale like time just stopped.

Ron was worried that Cale might get sick. He also frown upon seeing Cale's thin body.

It wasn't that obvious before since Cale was wearing a coat. While Eruhaben frown for a different reason.

Cale body was still very weak. Cale plate was already fixed but it was still as fragile as glass.

They all snapped out of it when Cale started speaking. "I don't really need anyone to accompany me but so whatever you want."

Cale said indifferently before turning back outside. Taylor just ole as Glenn sigh.

"Come on Taylor-nim we have to get Cage and Bud from their little drinking contest."

Taylor smile at Glenn politely. "Sure Glenn-nim. I think they should be inside the dining room.

Then Cale we will be off. Don't stay out for too late. You might get sick. Also you have to recover for this whole week remember."

Cale just sigh and nodded with looking back but Glenn and Taylor could feel Cale's annoyed face from the door.

"Get some rest Cale." Then Glenn was about to close the door when Cale speaks.

"Leave the door open please." Glenn and Taylor just look at each other at Cale's weird requested but obligated as they kept it open and walk away.

When Cale made sure that the two was gone he turn to the invisible people outside the room.

"Aren't you coming in?"

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