chapter-14-how complicated this whole thing is.

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After dinner Cale was drag into one of the resting room by Glenn and Taylor.

Once they were all seated Glenn sigh. "Cale how many times do I have to say?"

Cale didn't say anything and just stay quiet while avoiding eye contact.

Glenn sigh again like a disappointed parent. "Cale listen carefully this time. If something were to really happen to you bad things could happen.

If the others were to find out about this whole kidnapping ordeal six month earlier it would have been chaos.

Your father would've turn the whole continent upsidedown. That vampire would have blown off his cover and barge in just to make sure you are alright.

Hannah was about to barge immediately if it wasn't for saint jack stopping her.

Choleph would've start a war. Not to mention the whale siblings.

Also who know what those other insane people would've done if they were to found out that you got kidnapped by white star six month ago.

Also Bud was just about to down right barge into one of Arm's secret bases if I hadn't stop him just a while ago when he heard what happen.

There would've been a great war between the whole continent and Arm.



Glenn finally shouted as he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

Cale was looking at him like he was crazy. Cale was really surprised. He couldn't understand why his allies would do those things just for him.

Well maybe he did save them a couple of times but he only did that because it was advantageous for him.

"First of all why would they do that and second of all it was the only way to do it."

Now this was Glenn's turn to look at him like he was crazy before sighing. The Glenn mumble loud enough for only him and Taylor, who was sitting beside him, to hear.

"I forgot how dense you could really be." Then he shake his head again. "Huh?"

Cale tilted his head in confusion which made him look like a cute little puppy.

Glenn sigh again for who knows how many times today. Taylor was just smiling like he found all this amusing.

"Anyways what did you find out inside Arm's base." Cale thinks for a second.

"Well nothing new. Some of them are already known by us thanks to our spies inside Arm.

Something new should be about the bear king Seyeru and the lion king Dorph.

It seem that Seyeru use some kind of light attribute and Droph use some kind of darkness attribute.

According to the wind elementals Dorph has an elemental that eat other elementals or something like that.

Also white star seems to be rushing things. The final battle is getting near. White star is rushing to find the earth ancient power.

According to all our informants and everything that has been happening until now the summoning should be happening very soon."

Cale said seriously. As Cale said that the atmosphere inside the room drop by many degrees.

Taylor was not smiling anymore as Glenn was frowning. "Is that the reason why white star kidnapped you?"

Taylor asked as Cale nodded. "He was scared that I might get in his way because the final moment was getting near.

Our side should also be ready.  We will be holding a meeting very soon. Finish all the preparations until then."

Cale was glaring at the teacup. Glenn and Taylor also nodded. "Also Cale are you sure about partnering up with the 'heroes'. Are you finally chosing a side?"

Taylor asked. Cale just dryly laugh. "You right. At first I was decided to just stay neutral and just let those 'heroes' do the work but they had touch my people.

So it's only natural that I give them hell. No one touch my people and get away with it.

The only one that that bastard white star, the leader of Arm, don't want to involved with is me.

Why? Easy. It's because I have something that that bastard want and since I am the only other person with all the five attribute ancient powers.

That is the reason why he tries so hard to keep me asleep inside his base. I'm pretty sure that he is raging inside his base right now.

So to annoy him further I am going to side with his enemies. Another reason is because the 'heros' can't defeat him without me.

They don't have any information on Arm as well as men power. How pitiful.

They truly don't know just how complicated this whole thing is."

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