chapter-6-On one condition.

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As the door slammed open with a bang and Cale walk in hurriedly. The moment he got in he turn around and slam the door shut.

Cale didn't saw the people inside the room nor their curious gazes. Cale didn't seem to notice anything else.

Cale was just horrified at what just happened that he didn't have time to notice his surroundings.

"Young master?" Freesia's cautious voice reached his ears as Cale calm down a bit.

Then he started talking to Freesia without looking back and not noticing the others.

"Freesia do not I repeat DO NOT answer any calls from anywhere. ANYWHERE I say."

"Young master are you-" Before Freesia finish her sentence Cale cut her off.

"Freesia do you know what my father just did. He called me and then literally nagged me for four whole hours.

FOUR HOURS. Like who in their right mind would talk about the same thing for four hours.

He even said that if I don't start being careful he will ground me. ME, a legal adult.

He is going to ground me and made me stayed at home. Even my eight year old younger sister, Lily just said that I made people more worried than Raon, a six year old.

I just took four hours of lectures from my family and my ears are bleeding. If one more call were to come to nag me I will go deaf."

Cale feel like he was about to go deaf. His family especially his father and mother just keep repeating how he should take care of himself and how he can come back home anytime.

His father also tell him that he will clear the rumors about him being a coward and running away.

Honestly Cale didn't care about that. He could give a damn about what others say.

Cale was the type like that. Cale always has been someone like that. Other people's opinions didn't matter to him.

But at that time looking at his father's gaze he couldn't say no as he just nodded.

His family seem to be really worried about him. He smile at that thought but as soon as he remember what was going to happen soon Cale frown.

Yes in just a matter of second Cale know that those people will call him. If they can't reach him they will come barging in here.

He need them here and Cale needed a way for them to come here to discuss about things without getting nag and this was a great opportunity.

Or so Cale though but in a few minutes Cale will realised that he had made a big mistake to ignore the calls.

Then Cale sigh. "Aside from that I just went and check on Raon. I feel like he isn't getting bet-"

Cale finally turn around and saw the other people in the room. His face turn completely blank as he observe everyone in the room.

Then he turn to Freesia and raised an eyebrow. "I was about to tell you but you keep blabbing on young master."

Freesia smile back as Cale glare at her for a moment before he shifted his gaze to met Ron's scary benign smile.

Then Cale cough. "I apologies please ignore what I just said. You need not to pay attention to it."

Then Cale went to sit down on the head of the couches. Freesia put down a cup of tea in front of him and bow.

Then she walk out of the office and close the door. Not before she let the two kittens in.

On and Hong came into the room and jump onto Cale's lap. Cale gladly pull them closer so they would not fall off.

"Hello." "Hello nya~" On and Hong greeted as Cale took a cookie and give it to each of them.

The two kittens happily eat them. Cale look up to saw Lock's curious gaze. "Cat tribe. On and Hong."

So introduce the kids to them. "Now shall be get to business." Cale put his tea cup down as his face turn immediately serious.

"You disrespectful bastard." Alberu mumble but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Oh the shinning sun of the Roan kingdom I didn't see you there. It is my greatest pleasure to-"

"Shut up and just say what you need to say." Alberu cut Cale off because he know that Cale was just being fake.

'This bastard is similar to me.' Cale smile at him. Then he started what he was about to say again.

"You need my help don't you?" "How did you-" Cale cut Choi Han off by holding his hand up.

"The world tree and the god of death. Let's say I have connections with the both of them.

I will help you. On one condition."

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