chapter-24-there is no way.

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The two adults immediately rush to Cale's side and shower him with questions while checking his condition.

Cale seem very pale too pale than he already was before. Deruth and Violan already have worry that Cale was much paler than a average person.

They are aware that Cale has a very weak body. That is why they always worry when Cale drink alcohol or got into fights.

Deruth was already looking like he had just seen a ghost and Violan also lost her usual composure.

Then they both regain their composure when Cale said that he was fine.

"Mother father I am fine as you can see." Then he lean toward their ears. "I have been staying at 'that' place."

Violan and Deruth calm down immediately when they heard Cale say that.

They have received reports from Hans and Raon but they still wanted to hear Cale at it.

"Cale you are going to give this after of your's a heart attack." Deruth said while holding his chest.

"I apologies father for worrying you." Cale apologies. Violan holds Cale's shoulder.

"There is no need to apologies Cale. Worrying is a parents job. I'm just glad that you are back."

Cale nodded. Violan was telling the truth. She was really glad that Cale was back.

She consider Cale as her own son. She also know that cal consider her as a guardian too.

Even though she was a little sad that Cale didn't consider her as a mother but she understand.

Who would want to replace their mother. So she was happy that Cale at least consider her as family.

Violan has seen how Cale treat others and how Cale treat them. Cale was gentle to them.

Even if he cause trouble to others Cale have never done anything to hurt them.

He was carful and cautious around them especially around the children. She also notice that Cale never have hurt anyone directly.

Cale just throw tantrum and makes troubles. She also understand why Cale was doing these things. No. Not just her but the whole family.

At first they thought that Cale was just effected by his mother's death but when Cale reveal to them about his 'friends' they suddenly connected all the dots together.

Cale is a very laid back person. He didn't like attention and hates doing work.

After his mother's death for the last 12 years Cale has been planning for the future.

They had seen Cale do the work for the last two years. How Cale actually work without rest. For them. For his people.

That's why they decided to makes sure to help Cale as much as they can. To lessen Cale's work load.

"Then shall we go talk inside?" Violan gesture toward the mansion as Cale nodded.

Then the kittens ran toward them. "Meow." They both meow bacuse they can't talk in front of the other people.

Violan smile as she patted the kittens. Everyone win the mansion knows about On and Hong Cale's beloved two kittens.

One day Cale just brought them back and told them to be taken care of with the best condition possible.

The other family members also seem to adore the kittens. They have also heard about another kid calls Raon even though they had never seen him.

Then the family walk inside the mansion. As everyone went back to their works.

When they got to the office Cale give them a rundown of what exactly happen.

They catch up with each other. Then they told Cale to go rest as Cale exactly did that and only woke up when Hans call him for dinner.

They were all cautiously observing Cale's state. The chiefs put extra care in Cale's meal since they saw how Cale seem very pale and weak.

After the meal Deruth and Violan called the family doctor to check up on Cale even though he insists many time that he was fine.

As the doctor was testing Cale's condition Cale seem to be in thoughts.

But as the doctor hand got closed Cale suddenly flinch as he turn to his father in horror.

Then Cale seem to relax back as he become in daze again. The people around Cale misunderstood him.

Cale was kidnapped even if he was able to get out he must have had some sort of trauma.

Everyone look at Cale in pity. While Cale on the other hand flinch for a different reason.

Super rock was talking in his head.

-Cale what if that previous bulter of yours come back.

Cale flinch as he turn to his father. His father wouldn't betray him like that right?

Then Cale relax back as Super rock talk again.

-I'm just talking hypothetically.

Cale relax again as he reply to Super rock. 'There is no way.'

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