chapter-50-what the fuck.

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"Human if you don't wake up soon I'll blow everything up. I am counting to 10000 again.

If you don't wake up after I finish I will destroy everything and then kill myself. 10000, 9999, 9998.."

Eruhaben sigh. Raon had been doin this since the moment Cale fell into a coma.

He look outside the bed curtains and into the room. He look at all the people inside the room before sighing again.

He then look toward the person lying on the bed. He look like a corpse. Everyone would've thought that he was dead if it wasn't for his rising and setting chest.

He look pale without any blood on his face. Eruhaben then look at the little dragon who was still counting and the two kittens playing on the bed.

They had been basically living on this bed during the time Cale was in a coma.

Well so did he was. Eruhaben has found a comfy place on the bed and have been staying there while observing Cale's condition.

Choi Han has not leave his post which is beside the bed on the other side of the curtains.

He has been standing there like a knight guarding his liege. Well he is technically his knight.

As Eruhaben was lost in thoughts Raon's voice snapped huk right out of it.

"Hu.... I saw the human's hand move." The childern move closer to Cale while Eruhaben also stand up to get a better look at Cale.

Choi Han push the curtains away and approach Cale. Some else also approach Cale's bed.

Cale slowly lifted his eye lids as he scan everyone. "Huh?" He said one things before coughing.

Cale was surprise to find everyone surrounding him when he woke up.

Much less he even chocked on air when he heard Super rock's worried voice.

-Cale are you ok? You have been out for almost 2 months-Super rock.

Cale eyes widen as he scan everyone hovering over his bed. He couldn't believe super rock so he decided to ask the others.

Raon was crying so he started patting him and Hong before he asked. "How long has I been out for?"

Raon crying face slammed into his chest. "55 days, 5 hours, 47 minutes and 56 seconds.'

Cale chocked for a second time. Choi Han patted his back and held him to sit.

"Where the hell am I?" Cale asked while looking at the blinding room filled with gold.

"It's that bastard Adin's room." Eruhaben said while sighing. Cale look around the sparkling room with an annoyed expression.

The room was filled with gold and it is literally blinding. Don't get him wrong Cale like gold but this is... just too much.

"What is the situation outside?" Cale said as he calm himself down. "Haaa." He heard someone sigh.

Cale look toward the the person and tilted his head. He had seen this person before.

"Your highness, the crown prince of Roan?" That person started to smile. Seeing this smile Cale was sure.

This was Alberu. Alberu smile his fake smile. "You seem to notice it right away."

Cale was speechless while looking at the crown prince of Alberu, in his dark elf appearance, standing near his bed with his usual fake smile.

The crown prince of another kingdom is right in front of him standing inside another empire's crown prince's bedroom.

"Why-" Cale didn't seem to have the chance to asked as Alberu cut him off. "Well the hero who risk his life to protect innocent people is in a coma.

As a crown prince how can I not come. Don't worry I came here undercover as you can see.

'That's not the problem.' Cale look at the smiling crown prince with a complicated expression.

But before he can open his mouth to asked he was cut off by the door opening.

Beacrox, Ron, Rosalyn and Lock enter with a trolley full of food. Rosalyn and Lock seem shocked and happy at the same time to see Cale awake.

Ron was with his usual benign smile. Beacrox look unfazed but his twitching lips give it away.

Beacrox squinted his eye. "I will go make more food." He mumble as he walk out again after serving the food.

Ron approach Cale's bed and push Choi Han out of the way. Choi Han grumble and glare at him before moving away.

He was still glaring at him though. 'Did they fight? How vicious.' Cale thought as he loon at their interaction.

Ron helped Cale sit more comfortably so he can eat. "So is anyone gonna explain what has been going on while I was out."

Alberu sigh and shake his head. "You should focus on resting crimson rose hero-nim."

Hearing that name made Cale has chills. "What the fuck?"

He who no one understandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon