chapter-28-you got caught.

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Right now everyone was inside the Super rock villa's living room waiting for someone.

Cale was drinking lemon tea that Ron prepared for him with an expressionless face.

Even though he just wanted to flip the table and throw the cup away. Cale quickly swallow the urge when he saw Ron's benign smile.

Then the door to the living room bang open as a blue haired messy person came in.

It was Bud. Bud look like he just ran a marathon. His clothes were a mess as his hair was all tangle up.

"You fucking bastard. It hasn't even been a week.

A whole ass fucking week and you are heading to the eastern continent to take over the Molan household, one of Arm's main bases?"

"Nice to see you too Bud." Cale wave toward byd and calm put the tea cup down.

Bud stared at Cale for a minute before  he plop onto a couch. "You are crazy. You know there is no people that can order a mercenary king like me.

You are lucky that you are my one and only drinking buddy." Cale face scrunch up in disgust.

"You have Cage." He commented. Bud shake his head and open a bottle and drink the alcohol inside before answering.

"Cage-nim is my senior." Cale just shake his head. "So have you got everything ready like I asked you to?"

Bud nodded. "My side is ready." Cale nodded and turn to Ron. "And you? Are you ready to take that revenge that you desire so much?"

Before Ron could give an answer Bud added something. "Also Cale the preparations to take over the underworld are also finished.

But who are you going to make as the new leader of the under world?" Bud was curious on who Cale was passing the underworld to.

Bud know Cale enough to know that Cale won't be the one taking over the underworld.

"Ron will do it." Everyone eyes fell to Cale at that moment but Cale decided to ignore it as usu.

Ron face darken a bit. Ron held onto his dagger that was in his inner pocket so tightly.

Ron’s cold gaze fell on Cale. However, he has already turned away, trying to look as calm as possible.

– Human, Ron’s grandfather’s gaze is scary!

Hearing Raon’s remark, Cale shuddered. But what was said cannot be returned.

He did not tell Ron in advance that he was going to take control of the underworld of the Eastern continent.

All he said was to go with him to take back the Molan household. "Young Master."

There was no usual softness in Ron’s voice. Spiteful the old man’s voice made Cale respond reflexively.

"You’re the only one I can trust." It was true. Ron was more suited to the role of underworld ruler.

However, Cale couldn’t look at Ron.
He was scared.

Regardless how much stronger he became, this old man was weirdly scarier than even Choi Han.

Someone who just attacks you, or someone who sneaks up on you and chops off your head.

Which of the two will be scarier? Naturally, the last one. Ron Molan was talented in taking people’s lives calmly.

Cale kept his mouth shut and tried his best to avoid the killer’s gaze. However, the old man continued to stare at Cale.

He emanated such an eerie aura that everyone else kept their mouths shut in fear, looking from the red-haired to the old man.

Beacrox sat there pretending that he didn’t care, but his attention was focused on his father.

The silence was broken when Ron spoke. "The man who once lost everything is old."

He lost his original depravity and became a simple old man.

Ron tried to tell Cale, who asked him to take control of the underworld of the Eastern Continent, the harsh truth.

It was at that moment that he heard Cale’s voice. Voice full of disbelief. "No more lies." Ron shuddered.

Cale is done couldn’t look at Ron yet. “Weak? Not angry? Old? You have got to be kidding me.”

Cale mumble loudly. If Ron is deemed weak, all the other killers in the world will have to retire.

Cale did not hide his disbelief on his face. Ron could not say anything, looking at Cale showing his true emotions.

“No more lies?” Ron looked at his Young Master. He heard him grumble.

"In your free time, all you do is clean the dagger. Weak? My God."

The smile on Ron’s lips faded quickly. His gaze dropped to his hands. What Cale said was true. He did clean his dagger every day.

However, he suddenly started thinking about something. Ron turned his head to his son.

A strange smile appeared on his son’s usually calm face. 'Father, you got caught.'

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