Chapter Twenty-Two

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It's finally graduation day. Dylan has harrassed me a few times. I moved upstairs so he couldn't get into my room. But he had left notes outside the front door, or we'll see him peeking in the window when it's dark and we're watching a movie. But today, I push it all behind my and curl my hair. I let it out of the usual braid, falling behind my back. 

Kayla does a light amount of make up just so I look a little nicer for graduation. I wear a mint dress that reaches just below my butt, sticking to my skin. Kayla is wearing a deep red dress that fits like mine. She straightend her hair as well. 

"You ready?" Kayla asks, smiling. I am. I want to graduate and get out of here. We walk out the front door, locking it behind us. I see a white van parked near the corner. I freeze. It's Dylan. I know it is.

"Look." I say. Kayla sees the car. She nods.

"He's going to follow us." She says as we get in the car. 

"I know." We pull out. Kayla glances in the mirror, his car rolls to a start and it slowly creeps after us.

"He isn't even bothering to hide the fact that he's following us." I say. Fear seems to take over and my body starts to shake.

"It's ok." Kayla turns the corner, quickly passing a truck in front of us. My phone buzzes. It's an unkown number. I answer.

"Hello?" I ask. I hear heavy breathing.

"Katie." Dylan. I close my eyes. I press the off button, dropping my phone in my lap.

"It was Dylan." I whisper. 

"We'll be away from him soon. 3 weeks." I nod. We drive in silence until we get to the building that'll hold our graduation. Every once in a while, I'll see a white van changing lanes, slowly following us. We park the car, quickly getting out of the car and rushing inside. 

"Did Louis say if they could come?" I ask, peering around.

"He said maybe." Kayla and I go into the bathroom. I lean against the wall as she walks into a stall. My phone buzzes. It's Harry.

  Harry: Where are you?

Me: The bathroom? 

Harry: Ok

I shake my head and Kayla walks out, washing her hands. She drys them quickly, grabbing her phone and sweater. We head out. And then a hand grabs my waist, pulling me towards them. Dylan. I turn around, looking up. Harry. I smile, letting go of the thought of it being Dylan. I rise up on tip-toe and wrap my arms around him, feeling tears in my eyes.

"Oh my gosh." I whisper in his neck. He rubs my back.

"Hey." He holds on to me tightly. I don't want to let go, but I have to.

"Oh my gosh." I wipe the tears the rest on my eyeslids. 

"I wanted to surprise you." He runs a hand through my hair. 

"You did." I say. 

"Good." Harry plants his lips on my forehead. "You look beautiful." He says, scanning what I'm wearing. "That color suits you." He grabs one of my curls and twists it around in his fingers.

"Thank you." I grab his hand, lacing my fingers through his.

"And I like your hair curled." I smile. We walk up to Kayla. Louis holds her waist tightly, smiling at her.

"Weren't you shocked?" She asks. I nod.

"I was." 

"Katie and Kayla, it's time to get ready." Our professor hands us a graduation cap and gown. Harry kisses my cheek quickly as Kayla and I join the other graduating students. Harry and Louis disappear to find seats. 

Once the music starts, we walk out, taking our seats in order of last name. I sit next to Kayla. She squeezes my hand as the professors start calling names. When it finally gets to me. I smile at Kayla, slowly makig my way to the stage. They hand me a diploma, shake my hand and I line up with the other students. I see Harry smiling, his arms crossed over his chest. Louis is waving at Kayla. She smiles at him as she stands next to me. 

Some students give a testimony about college and starting their career, pictures being taken of us. We head outside to meet out familys. Harry pulls me into a hug right away. 

"Good job gorgeous." He says as I step away from him. 

"Yeah, well done." I turn around. Dylan walks up to us. 

"Oh my gosh. Dylan." I feel Harry tense up next to me.

"What? I just came to support you." He shrugs. 

"Leave, please." I say, tears threaten and I know I can't hold them back as they slip out. 

"Ok." Dylan holds up his hands and glares at Harry. He walks out, winking at me as he does. Harry's arms wrap around my waist and I lean into him, allowing myself to cry into his black shirt.

"It's ok." He whispers. He rests his chin on my head. I breathe in his scent. Hold onto him until I have to let go. 

"The boys have to head back to England tonight, sweetie." Kayla says. I step back. Harry nods.

"We'll see them in 3 weeks." She adds. I nod. Harry kisses my forehead, his arms holding my waist gently. I rest my hands on his arms. He pulls away. I watch Kayla lean in to kiss Louis, his arms holding her tightly. 

"I'll talk to you everyday. I'm sorry we have to leave so early." Harry cups my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. 

"Dylan will never touch you again. I promise. I swear on my life." He says. I smile slightly, letting him know I'm ok. Louis walks over, pressing his hand in Harry's back. 

"Lets go." Louis says. Harry nods.

"I'll see you soon." Harry kisses the top of my head once more and I pull him into a hug, not wanting to ever let go. 

"Come on Katie." Kayla says. I let go of Harry and squeeze his hand before he has to go. Kayla blows Louis a kiss and they walk out. I feel my heart twist. I hate saying good bye.

"We better get home." Kayla and I get in her car. I look over my shoulder. I white van is parked near ours.

"He wont leave." I groan. 

"I know. We just have to ignore him." I hate being so vulnerable. Kayla doesn't worry about things and I dwell on them until I get sick.

"We better get ready to pack." Kayla says, lightening the mood. I smile. 

We'll be ok. 


Yay chapter 22! I hope you guys enjoy it!

xoxoxo all the love

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