18. Cupid Glitters & Winter's Prolem

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"Winter? " No response.

"Winter? " No response. Great!

"WINTER! " I gently shook her, yelling in her ear and causing her to jump. She gaped at me, bewildered. "Yeah? What happened? "

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same damn thing!? Cuz you had been zoning out for the last five minutes. I called you twice, but you were too preoccupied with something or perhaps someone else to hear. " Smirking, I arched my brow at her. She averted her gaze, her face flushed with embarrassment at having been caught. She was afflicted by something. The Winter I knew wasn't like that. She was acting a little strangely, like zoning out every now and then and flashing everyone faux smiles. I didn't know what was wrong with her, but I had a hunch it had something to do with Ken.

We'd all met to talk about the magazine and its portrayal. I spotted Ken and Winter stealing glances several times, but they weren't flirty-teasing ones. It was more of a tense atmosphere, with a slew of discomfort thrown in for good measure. What went on between them, I wondered? But then again, it wasn't my place to intrude on their relationship.

"Hey, kindly pass me that box." Ken was handing the package to me when it was lifted by another pair of hands. They handed me before looking at each other. I cleared my throat, interrupting their gazing contest.

I really need to do something.

"Wait a min, guys!" They both came to a standstill, their brows furrowed in perplexity as they glanced at me.

"Hey, why don't you guys go get a cup of coffee? That sounds weird, doesn't it? Alright! I'll be frank with you. Look, I know something's going on between you two, but I'm not going to inquire about it. It's your issue, but why don't you sort it out? " They exchanged glances before turning to face me.

"Pepsi Cola, there's nothing like this."

"Yeah, Soph! You've simply misunderstood us." They spoke in unison, cautiously.

"Oh, just cut the crap and go!" They eventually made their way outside with a conflicted nod. Just then, entered the third wheel of their lives.

Talk about timing!

"Ken, babe?" Ugh! At the sight of her, their feet came to a halt. Her eyes narrowed between him and Winter as she moved closer to Ken. She gently shook him out of his stupor by placing her hand on his chest.

Think something, Soph, think! Ah, idea!

"Um... Claire?" I sped up to them, halting directly in front of her, causing her hand to fall back. Winter was looking anywhere but at her.

She looked at me with a raised brow, anticipating what I wanted. "Well, I need to speak with you about something. Please follow me." Rather than allowing her to follow or dispute, I grabbed her hands and dragged her to the corner of the room. I signaled the duo to depart with the corner of my eyes, and to my delight, they grasped my message.

Wow, I never knew I was such a matchmaker!

Claire yanked her hand violently, startling me. I wouldn't have given her a second thought if it weren't for them. I focused on cooking up a solid lie while swallowing my seething rage. I put on a phony smile, then a faux-worried expression. "My brother, Claire, is interested in participating in cheerleading. So, could you kindly help him out? He's a beginner, after all! " I informed her all of that in a breath, hoping for a response.

"Hol' on! Brother? Are you in your senses?" Shit shiptedy shatty shit!

Who said she was brainless?

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