20. Cherry Coke, Pretty Pretty Bazooka & Lips Like Morphine

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"How does this look on me?"
"What about this?"
"I guess, that one was much better."

"Ivy, c'mon, it's not your two-year anniversary; it's your sister's!" I rolled my eyes at her and donned in the same navy-blue outfit that Ethel had picked out for me. I matched it with a pair of black boots and washed-out blue jeans.

"So what, Soph? Maybe I'll meet someone hot there. Who knows?" She replied as she nonchalantly rummaged through her closet.

"Hold on, woman! Hold on! What do you mean, 'Maybe I'll meet someone hot there.'" I mimicked her words while brushing my unkempt locks.

"Just so you know, young lady, you were the one who bonded us together as brother and sister. What if he took your comments literally and treated me like his so-called sister? Ugh! I hate my life at times. I hate you, Sophronia Jasper." She shot me a stern glare, prompting me to scurry into the bathroom to change.

So, basically, we were prepping for Mysie and Senior Ryder's two-year anniversary celebration. Obviously, it was their day, and they could have spent it alone, but the lads were hesitant to party. It was in some sort of club nearby the Uni.

"I'm done! Let's go!" Ivy walked into view, wearing a short red skirt and a white crop top. She had her hair dyed once more, this time in a bronze hue, and it was pulled back into a neat ponytail.

"Seems like you have a full plan on making Senior Chase suffer."


The party was in full swing, with dancing, making out, laughing, and what not! Because it being the weekend, all of that was to be anticipated. Senior Aylwin deserved credit for arranging for us to seat in one of the VIP lounges. We were surrounded by folks who didn't seem to be in the right state of mind, dancing to rock music. I wondered whether being drunk and acting yucky-yucky was something they did on a regular basis.

"Would anyone like anything?" Saphy rose to her feet and faced us all.

I sprang to my feet and feverishly nodded my head. The area was suffocating, and the mood was awful.

"One coke, please!"
"Thank you!"
"Let's go, before they come." Her tone was annoyed, with a hint of contempt in it.

"Who else are coming?" In unison, Felix and Damy inquired. I wasn't the only one who didn't see what was going on.

"Aria and girls. Not to forget, Azura, too." As we sat down, Mysie explained. That was my first encounter with her at the party. Her hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail and she was adorned in a knee-length white strapless dress.

"Why would you do such a thing, anyway? Wasn't the last time's drama enough for you?" Senior Chase spoke out.

"I didn't, at least not Aria. The guys were the ones to blame." She gestured to the S. Racers, who were absorbed on the dance floor and encircled by chicks. "As for Azura.... Well, she's a friend of mine, and not inviting her would be... incredibly rude?" She seemed as if she couldn't come up with anything to say. Regardless, we all nodded.

I sipped my coke, which was strange in a nice way. My throat burned at first, but I loved sipping it after that. It felt fantastic to sip it, like if I'd never tasted real coke before. I double-checked the can's label to be sure it was my coke and not something else. It was satisfactory to me. I gave a little grimace before sagging with relief.

Great, now I'm having mood swings because of a drink!


Aria and the rest of the gang were seated next to us, with Azura on my opposite side. After my last encounter with Aria, I figured it was best to keep the heck away from her if I didn't want to be the center of attention for the rest of the year. I felt euphoric, and ecstatic within, a fuzziness looming over me all of a sudden. I giggled, despite the fact that I had no idea why. Something within of me then clicked.

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