19. Savage Shits & Heart To Heart

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"Hey, you!" While heading towards the club office, I heard someone yelling. It might have been anyone, so I disregarded it and continued on my way.

"Pikachu t-shirt?" That brought me to a halt. I whirled around on my heels as she waved her hands at me.

What exactly does she want now?

"Hey! You called me?" It was more of a query, because I couldn't believe she would call me out of all the girls at university!

"Yup! Heard you and Aylwin spent a night."

Oh, so that's the reason!

"Um..." I scratched my neck awkwardly, mystified as to why she was asking me such a vague question.

Don't tell me; she also wants the details!

I had a feeling they were interpreting it in two different ways. We did indeed spend the night, but not in the manner in which they imagined or portrayed it. It was extremely different, but the dilemma was whether I should explain it to them or leave them to their own thoughts. I went with the latter option. Senior Aria was infatuated with Senior Aylwin, and her actions made it even more crystal clear.

A part of me even wanted to find out what he was looking for. What would he have to say about the chaos? Would he even say anything, or would he leave it to their imaginations? And, to my disappointment, I already knew the answer. He wasn't the kind to explain things to others; instead, he preferred to let others figure things out for themselves. He was unconcerned with what others were thinking, albeit I waited for his reaction.

Her gaze shifted away from me and toward something, or perhaps someone, in the distance. As she flipped her curls, her lips morphed into a beguiling grin. It didn't take long for me to figure out who was behind me. His tantalizing cologne invaded my senses, resurrecting those goofy, ticklish sensations inside me. I could feel his heat emanating from him as he got closer. I didn't bother to turn around, even though he was considerably closer. My body reacted to his proximity by pushing a bolus of air down my throat. Something about him always rendered me speechless, whether it was his authoritative aura, intimidating frame, flaming stormy eyes, or his peculiar, expensive, irresistible cologne. I guess all of them, all of him. Yes, all of him!

"Fresher?" His husky, masculine voice was tinged with weariness from the work.

"Yes?" I faced him, biting my lower lip and resisting the temptation to smile like a delirious teenager. Senior Aria's eyes were mostly concentrated on Senior Aylwin, who had his gaze fixated on me, and I was conscious of the stares I was receiving.

"Where have you kept those brochures?"

"Ah, I had set them on your table," I said, recalling doing so before going for lunch. "Anyway, come, I'll show you."

"Aylwin? Long time, no see?" We were about to walk away, but her voice stopped us.

"Been busy." He acknowledged with a nod. His face, as usual, was as hard as a glint, with no sign of emotion.

My gaze prowled wildly over his figure, imbibing in his features. He was dressed in a white-collar shirt, a fitted casual navy-blue blazer, and chocolate brown trousers with matching loafers. His hair was disheveled, and a few strands fell over his brow. With his hands stuffed in his pockets, he made no attempt to shove them back. His biceps flexed as he checked the time on his wristwatch before shoving his hand again. He looked oh-so-delicious to devour! In an attempt to calm my pounding heart, I immediately averted my eyes and blew the air out of my cheeks.

Jeez Lord, I need some holy water urgently!

"So busy that you don't have time for your close ones." With a lick of her lips, she inquired once again.

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