21. After-Kiss Issues & Pouring Out Past

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"Toffee Luna! Toffee Luna! Toffee Luna! Wake up!" I was jolted awake by a violent shaking. As a cascade of searing pangs hit me in the head, I lurched awake, moaning. My head pounded, and I clutched it. I took my pillow and curled it around my head, laying it on my face in such a way that it was wrapped around my skull.

"Ah! Shut the hell up! Who the hell is this Toffee Luna? Go away!" I shrieked, exacerbating my excruciating headache. I groaned loudly and stuffed my face further into the pillow.

Ivy yelled out, "Toffee Luna? Are you still drunk? Argh, I was saying Sophronia." Why did she have to be so obnoxious? My entire head is splintering.

Wait a minute, drunk? What drunk?

I yanked the pillow away from my face, letting out a series of groans as I peeked one eye out before closing it firmly.

"Keep the lights out."

"Listen up, Diana's twin version, stop overreacting and come out. It's 4 p.m., for God's sake." That jolted me out of my slumber. 4 p.m.?

I wanted to rip off my head and Ivy's as well. I got up and stretched my limbs, rubbing my eyes groggily.

"Finally! Are you alright?"

Seriously, are you alright?

She had the guts to inquire whether I was all right after she had woken me up.

"I'm perfectly well. Apart from a terrible headache and feeling nauseous, I'm in fantastic shape."

"Okay, okay, okay! No need to be sarcastic, and all. I've kept..." She couldn't conclude because of my scream.

"What the hell is going on here? Where are we?" My surroundings did not resemble those of my dorm. It was a complete 180. Almost everything in the room was black or gray, with contemporary furnishing. My head was throbbing frantically, with blurry pictures from last night, but I couldn't recall anything.

What the hell happened last night? Why the hell am I here? What place is this?

"Do you have any recollection of what happened last night?" With a cocked brow and waves of mirth in her eyes, she inquired.

"No! What happened? Don't tell me I've done something foolish once again!" I groaned as I collapsed on the comfy bed.

Goddammit, my head hurts!

"Well, congratulations; you didn't do anything dumb. You literally went beyond the point of no return in terms of idiocy." Her words slammed down on me like a pail of ice cubes.

"What? What the hell did I do? Why can't I remember anything?" To me, it was all a jumble. I recalled sipping my coke and heading over to Austin, but after that, everything was a blank.

"It's no issue! Here, take a look at this. Whole college has made a gift video for you to help with your hangover."

"Whole college? For me? Why? Was I acting like all Mark Antony last night? Or did I kiss Dwayne Johnson?"

"I'm not sure about any of them, but hey! Why don't you have a look? It will probably assist you in guessing who you kissed and who you killed?" It gave me the creeps.

Oh, my dear good God, just make sure, I haven't done anything silly!

She turned her phone towards me after browsing through the forum on her phone. My eyes literally bulged out of their sockets as I saw my shameful deeds.

"Senior Poker Face!"
"Are you drunk, Fresher?"
"Someone spiked her drink."
"Yeah, some fuckass spiked my drink."
"How much did you drink?"
"I'd just had one can of coke. I swear to God, pinkie swear!"
"C'mon, sit."
"No sitting! Why don't you smile? I mean, all I've seen of you since the first time... I met you is this... this damn poker face, which makes me... want to covet the sins, one of which is... YOU, FUCKING YOU."
"You know there are gesture called smile, chuckle, laugh. Sometimes show it!"
"Always poker face! Like this." I imitated his poker face expression. "What did you say that day? Um... what was that? What the fuck was that? Ah-yeah... I recalled."

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