31. Breath To Breath & A Promise To Soul

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The above video is purely for your understanding. It has nothing to do with this book race. It's just to give you a glimpse of what speedway race looks like.

I don't know anything about racing or those stuff, but I tried my best to make this chapter better and the whole race part understandable. And lastly, it turned out quite clean than I had thought! Anyway, I really hope you enjoy and ALL THE BEST FOR THE SHOCK AHEAD!!!!



"Damn, they did an incredible job!"

"Money sweetheart, money!" To say the track was spectacular would be an understatement. It was a mind-boggling sight. It was a Speedway racing. The levelled oval track consisting of two straights joined by two semicircles. Dirt, loosely packed shale, and crushed rock covered it. The entire area was bustling with people chatting and eagerly awaiting the race. CODE 1 was written in bold print on a massive screen.

"Don't you think it's quite big for an illegal one?"

"Who said it's illegal?"

"Fuck me! This is not!?"

"Nah, long story short— it's half-legal and half-illegal."

"Well, that's a little complicated."

"Care to elaborate, will ya?"

"Umm.... take it this way. Look, the track and everything is legal, but the ones racing here aren't."


"Still a sec! You mean... Senior Aylwin is racing illegally, correct?" I cut in and demanded.

"Yeah, you can put it that way." Senior Drew replied, shrugging.

"Why? I mean... this is legal and all... Don't they check on the racers and all?"

"Of course, they do! What makes you think CODE 1 will take such a risk so nonchalantly? No chance! We've all got our false IDs with us. They've all covered Aylwin since he's their favorite racer. It's almost like a 50-50 situation. Aylwin loves racing, and they love popularity." It made complete sense. It all did. In a sense, they cleverly used Senior for their own gain. No, "used" was not the appropriate word. It was a win-win situation for both sides. Senior loved racing, and CODE 1 profited from it.

"This is surely illegal... and legal... well, whatever, we're here to watch, and the rest can fuck themselves." Ivy exclaimed as she drank her cold drink.

"Ah, look they're here!" The guys had gone with Senior Aylwin to wish him luck in the race. S Racers members had also competed in races, but their matches were different. They joined us, but Senior Chase was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he was with Senior Aylwin.

"All set?" Senior Ryder nodded as Mysie inquired.

"Where's Senior Chase?" Ivy asked, frowning slightly.

"He's with Aylwin."

"Chase's here!" Senior Chase reached us. He appeared a little tense and stiff. His forehead was creased with lines, as if he had been thinking quite intently. He came to a halt in front of me and smiled.

"Hazel Eyes, bro wanna meet ya." That was all it took for my feet to seize control of the situation. I followed him into the circuit's backside. One after the next, rows of changing rooms were lined up. One of them was opened by Senior Chase, and I walked in. "I'll be outside waiting."

I shut the door behind me and turned around to behold him in a black and red racing suit. And, as always, he looked sinfully alluring. He was gazing at me the entire time, with his signature poker face. I approached him, standing just in front of him. We didn't say anything for the first few seconds, as though basking in each other's proximity. Even without the use of words, it was peaceful with him. It felt alive, like a heartfelt caress to the heart and nurture to the soul. Everything seemed rather surreal. In a nutshell, I cherished it. I treasured the pleasure of being in his presence. I savored him.

Sinfully ImperfectOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora