55. Breathe With Me & We're Okay

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I hurriedly reached the room. Frantically, after much anticipation, I mustered the courage to open the door. The thought of what awaited me was formidable. The crawling sensation of what I could find behind the wooden doors was slicing my throat. The dull ache never left.

The meekness of winter light somehow soothed the creases of my heart. My eyes stung with whatever scene they were supposed to endure in the unforeseen moments. I gulped down the bolus of chilly air just as I spotted the root of my turbulence.

My gloved fingers were clawing at my palms. Shaky inhales. Breathy exhales. There he stood, removing his gloves. His back facing me as he threw the racing gears, turning around to finally face me.

The blues of the ocean fertilized the earthy hazel.

I exhaled. Air rushing inside my lungs. My feet felt jelly-like, mushy, and wobbling. I ran as fast as I could, lunging at him. My hands wrapping around his neck. Body flinging on him as his arms steadied me. The feeling of flesh underneath my fingers was sweetly exhilarating. Our bodies pressed together. My eyes shut as I let my mind soak him in.

The overwhelming sensation took me over. A wave swept over my horrendous exerting thoughts, squelching them calmly. "You're okay..." The words were next to blabbers. "O Jesus!" I stayed like that. Too scared to think. Too scared to react. Too scared to even move.

"Shh... Sophronia... Relax. I'm here, yes?" His voice was awfully soft. The tenderness nipping at my ears. Coolness of crisp air bounced off my flesh. His face buried in the crook of my neck. Nose brushing against my flesh. The lips molded like butter melting on my skin. The softness was so fragile and vulnerable as I let it seep in.

I relaxed. Pulling away from him, I met his eyes. The worrisome gaze wandered over me. Prowling recklessly, as the same mirrored my own troubled ones. I cupped his cheeks, the wetness in my eyes slowly coming up to the brim.

"God! Y-You're... okay... I-I thought... it doesn't matter... you're okay! You're fine... Thank god! I-I" His lips shushed me. The plush petals stayed there. Frozen as we gazed. Solemnly.

Then, ever so tenderly, his lips moved, brushing mine nefariously. "Fresher, breathe with me. Look into my eyes, yes? C'mon, slowly, yeah... breathe... we're okay." The caress of cold fingers sent shivers down my spine. The jolt of relief and the coziness of querencia clasped me altogether.

Words like panacea alleviated the burns. The scrapes and grazes healed slowly. Time passed as we stayed frozen. Assuring and relishing. Without words. Without gestures. Just the eyes spoke. Their charisma spoke. It spoke volumes of tireless tales and the ache of an almost lost soul.

As if something snapped in both of us. Our actions were fast. Our body reacting much faster. He pulled me into his chest. While I snugged deeper into the warmth. The ecstasy coursing throughout.

Ah, the feeling. The plush softness of his coat crinkled into my palms, soaking up my tears. The mantra of a soft lullaby briskly tickled my ears. His fingers were firmly chained around me. We remained in bliss. In each other's embrace. Solace. Silence.

As if the phase would pass with our ardor reigning, I let the words stumble forth with a soft sigh. "You kept your promise."

The blanket of querencia fell upon us.
Smoldering flesh lapping the drops of tranquility
As the inamorata basked in the devotion of her inamorato.


"Aylwin!" Exclaimed Mr. Wilkins, walking inside along with Senior Chase.

"Bro! Holy Jesus, are you alright? You gave us quite a fright, man!" Senior Chase said, as both friends exchanged a silent eye-to-eye conversation. Their bromance was out of my mind. But it was cute.

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