Chapter 1

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You were walking to your car after a super hellish day at school. The air was cold causing a shiver to go down your spine. It was your 17th birthday, and the day was horrible. Started with your Aunt screaming at you to get out of bed. Then your car had to be jumped which caused her to scream at you some more. Then once you got to school your best friend wasn't there to make you smile. You couldn't stop thinking about what those bullies kept saying to you throughout the day They sounded just like your aunt.

"You're so worthless Y/N I don't even know why you try you're never going to fit in with us. Maybe it's better that your parents are dead then they can't see what a disgrace you are haha"

You shake your head trying to get their voices out of your head. You open the door to your car and slide in. On your way home you turn up the radio trying to drown out the voices from people at school. While listening to some great tunes an emergency broadcast started.

" Please stay on alert whenever you are alone outdoors especially after dark as now 15 teenagers have gone missing without a trace authorities are searching for answers"

Feeling chills run up your spine you quickly turn off the radio the idea of being kidnapped just gave you the Heeby jeebies. Turning down your road you finally reached your house living with your aunt was just pure hell she always reminded you that your parents were gone and that she was burdened with you being around. You let out a deep sigh as you turn your car off. The sun was quickly setting before you realized it opening the door grab your bag and start heading towards the front door you didn't see your aunt's car in the driveway taking out your keys you go to unlock the door and quickly realize that it's already unlocked So you go to walk into your house and notice all the lights were still out. You fumble around the wall briefly to reach the light switch. You hear someone snicker. The last thing you feel is something crack on the back of your head.

When you opened your eyes, you quickly realize you were in a solid concrete room laying on a very hard cot with no blanket and your hands were tied. Panic began to fill you as you quickly realize that your worst fear is becoming a reality you try to slap yourself in the face praying that it's just a horrible nightmare but the sting from the slap is a quick reminder that it is reality you stand up quickly feeling extremely dizzy from the hit to your head and decided to sit back down. "Hello? Where the hell am I?!" You yell out holding your head. You hear footsteps come closer and you look towards the door.

"You need to be quiet in there girl!" the man yelled from behind the door.

" Can you at least tell me where I am and what you want with me?" You sounded slightly scared but you tried to push the fear away so they wouldn't know but failed miserably he chuckled

"Oh, my dear you will know what we want with you soon you're not going anywhere as to where you are it's pretty silly to ask a total stranger where you are when you wake up somewhere like this" again he laughed

"This is Bullshit! you need to let me out of here now my family will find me!" you hear the door unlock and swing open. A large extremely well-built man walks into your cell. He looks amused as he walks up to you and quickly grabbed you up by your shirt to where your feet are dangling off the ground.

"I told you to be quiet you little shit. You are somewhere where you will learn to obey and if you're lucky we won't kill you." He smirked throwing you down to the ground. "Welcome to Hydra bitch" he said kicking you. You curled into a ball to protect yourself the best you could as he continued to kick and beat you until you loss consciousness

10 Years Later:

You sit up in the chair that you've been tide down to for the last 12 hours as they injected you with so many different things you just didn't even care anymore all these years it's been 1 thing after another electric shock, Injections, beatings, starving sessions that would last days if not weeks and so much more. Over the years, however, because of all the experimentations and abuse you endured A curse came out of it.

"Youve been such a good girl today" cooed the man as he injected the needle into your arm.

Without flinching you just watch him with no emotions in your eyes. You could feel your mind on the verge of snapping from the years of abuse and neglect. You felt the burn enter your vains as he pulled the needle back out.

"What's this for?" no emotion was evident in your voice. He looked at you with a smirk noticing you had no emotion.

"Well, my dear for your birthday were going to celebrate." His voice was smooth and gentle "we're having you go with one of our agents on a mission of sorts."

Your mind began to race. Your birthday meant you've lost another year of your life trapped here. Another year filled with pain and torment, but you didn't allow the emotion to show.

"Who's the target?" you move your eyes to watch the concrete wall worried emotion may slip through. You had to make a move and make it fast because if you stayed there any longer, you'd lose your mind, and they'd finally break you. Instead, you decided to mimic an old friend of yours who disappeared a while ago.

"Well, aren't we being compliant. About time we broke you" he chuckled "Who is classified only the agent needs to know. You just listen to him and you won't be punished" You felt a chill run through your bones and felt your stomach twist at his words.

"Understood doctor" you felt like a robot, but you knew this was your only chance.

"Good girl. let's get you ready for your first mission" he said standing untying your bonds and taking you by the wrist and pulling you up. He snaked his arm around your waist and walked you out of the cell.




As you sat in your cell waiting to be retrieved by the agent you couldn't help but look at your outfit in the small mirror attached to the toilet. They went as far as putting makeup on you to make you look scary. Your eyes over the years have a soft glow to them. No doubt from all the junk they put into your body. Your eyes were covered in black eye shadow and eye liner. Your hair was long, h/c locks twisted down. After they finally let you brush your hair curls took over. Honestly if you were anywhere else you would of probably felt hot but this was the first time in so long they let to clean yourself up more then with just a hose. Letting out a sigh you turned your head to watch your cell door and turned your expression back into an icy killer. Now was your chance.

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