Chapter 31

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You and Odin walk down the hall he places your hand over his arm as he looks straight forward as you walk. You feel nervous, your last encounter together wasn't the best. "Listen Y/n I wanted to apologize for how I was the last time we spoke." This really threw you off "I shouldn't of thrown all of that at you at once but I figured just get it all out there at once instead of beating around the bush I guess is the right saying." You nodded slowly unsure how to respond.

"uh.. its fine. It was a lot to take in but I am glad to hear it. It's good to know." 

"Well My wife adores you and so does my sons, so I figured we could speak before you left." He stopped walking and turned to face you "I may come across as cruel and hateful especially to Loki. However, I only have my sons best interest at heart" Without thinking you rolled your eyes. You know what he did to Loki with hiding he was adopted, and how he casted Thor out. Odin looked Stern then laughed slightly "My boys talked to you about what Ive done I suppose?"

"You can say that.." 

"Listen to me Y/n please." You could see Odin's expression soften only slightly "I am not one to be soft. That is Frigga all the way. Those boys are the future leaders of Asgard I have to be hard on them. Please try to understand in Asgard things are different than Midgard." You sighed and nodded slightly 

"I will take that into account Odin its just hard thinking about how they felt when it happened to them. You have to understand that"

"I do." Odin let out a sigh and began walking with you again. The two of you walked outside and you noticed you were heading towards the rainbow bridge "My sons are the most important to me even if Loki doesn't understand that. I never should have said to him what I did that day."

"Which part?" You kept your eyes forward as you walked, you felt uncomfortable having this conversation with Odin

"ah he told you that too?" Odins voice was alittle surprised

"I sorta saw it?" shrugging you let out a nervous laugh

"Oh? so you have that ability?" He stopped again and turned to you. You nodded slowly. "Well then let me explain something. When I found Loki I truly did think we could align the two realms. However when he was only a young boy it became very clear that never was going to happen. I still chose to keep him as my son Y/n. I love Loki as my own. I am hard on him because He is my son Not because he is a frost giant."

"Well forgive my rudeness Odin but you have a funny way to show it. I get needing them to be strong to rule one day I really do, But Loki only ever wanted to be Thor's equal and you never did well at showing Loki that he was Thor's equal. Thor did that Frigga did that, but the one person he wanted to see that from he never did. You. The one person he wanted to make proud never once said he was proud. You." looking down you were terrified for letting all that spill out. Odin was silent for a moment then put his hand on your shoulder causing you to look up. His expression was surprisingly kind.

"Perhaps you are right Y/n. Maybe I could try a more.." He places your hand on his arm and begins walking again "A more midgardian way of things with my sons your realm does seem to have a better relationship within families at times" You felt Odin was being being truthful which caught you off guard

"I mean it wouldn't hurt. Your sons are great men Odin. Loki is amazing and I know he's made mistakes but he isn't that young boy anymore, he's changed so much." as you two began walking down the rainbow bridge the two of you walked in silence for a bit about half way down Odin chuckled 

"It's funny That midgardians are the one to steal my boys hearts. That Jane foster girl stole Thors heart and You steal Loki's." You weren't sure if that was an insult or not but you decided to take it as a compliment 

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