Chapter 27

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Slowly opening your eyes you look around the room forgetting where you were. Slowly sitting up you started remembering. Rubbing your eyes you let out a yawn, noticing the sun appeared to be setting.

"oops.." throwing your feet over the side of the bed you felt an arm snake around you, pulling you back down. A gasp escaped your lips until you realized it was Loki who seemed to be asleep. When had he snuck in? I guess not really sneaking when its your room. Loki pulled you close to him as he sighed in his sleep. Slowly you ran your fingers through his hair and smiled being this close to him just felt so right you couldn't explain it. You knew in that moment he had you completely. Loki let out another sigh and slowly opened his eyes

"go back to sleep..." Loki said half asleep "you need to rest."

"But Loki I've already slept so much." you pouted as you pulled away gently causing Loki to roll his eyes and sit up

"As you wish. We are in Asgard after all." Standing up Loki walked over to you and kneeled in front of you "Now what do you want to do?" He looked so interesting in that moment you couldn't quite pin point it. 

"I want to see everywhere you enjoy being."

"Ah. Let's begin the tour then shall we?" Loki went to stand up but you quickly grabbed his hand causing him to look down at you his eyes filling with confusion "What is wrong my love?"

"I.." You felt the need to tell him what you realized just moments earlier but felt a lump form in your throat. Was this real? Would he change if he knew? Loki could see your hesitation and kneeled back down and took your chin. Loki scanned your eyes and could clearly tell you wanted to say something 

"are you okay y/n?" Worry filled his expression. You nodded and felt your heart begin to race at Lokis touch. You couldn't describe it but feeling him touch you just felt so.. natural. You nodded and smiled softly

"more then okay Loki.. I um" you gulped to clear your throat "I just came to realize a few things recently um.." You couldn't think straight with Loki this close to you. You could have sworn at that moment realization flashed across Lokis features as he began to smile back at you his eyes softening. Slowly Loki began to lean in and you felt your heart begin to hammer in your chest. Just before your lips touched Thor came bursting through the door causing you to jump and Loki to flinch which caused to two to knock heads

"ow!" you rubbed your forehead and Loki glanced at Thor like he was about to murder him

"Brother! Y/n! My friends want to meet y/n" It is clear Thors been drinking when you look at him

"Is knocking not a thing on Asgard Thor?" You felt truly annoyed at the interruption but knew Thor was excited. You stood and gave Loki your hand and pulled him up with you as he placed his hand onto your lower back causing you to blush

"Yes brother Y/n makes a point. At what point did it become to enter my chambers without knocking?" He was trying to reign in his temper you could tell he was equally as annoyed if not more so than you. Thor looked almost embarrassed 

"Did I interrupt something? I figured since y/n was in here too it was okay.." you looked at Loki and he looked at you and winked 

"You never know. Knock. Besides your friends can wait I was just about to show Y/n one of my favorite spots here.

"Oh.." Thor walked up to you two and looked down at you. You could smell the alcohol on him. Looking up at Thor you smiled at him and nodded 

"Yep I want to see everywhere Loki likes to be. He's more laid back like I am."

"Come join us for drinks afterwards then?" Thor was looking hopeful. You looked at Loki who just shrugged to you.

"Uh sure?" Thor picked you up in a bear hug and spun you around. 

"Great! I can't wait for everyone to meet my sister!" Placing you back on the ground Thor walked to the door and waved as he walked out. 

"uh.." You just stared at the door for a moment completely dumbfounded causing Loki to let out a true laugh. You looked back at Loki "What's so funny?"

"Thor drinking is truly interesting. Take being called sister as a good thing my love." Walking up to you he took your hand into his. "Now come on let me show you where I spend my hours when I'm able." You smiled at Loki as you two left his room and began walking through the castle. Before too long you two were standing in front of two large dark doors "ready?" full of excitement you nodded as Loki released your hand and opened the doors. Behind the doors revealed the most beautifully library packed with books and even had an amazing section for art work. Gasping as you entered you walked past Loki who had his gaze fixed on you watching you. You spun around truly mesmerized by the beauty of this room. 

"Loki this is truly amazing." Turning to Loki you see him watching you with a soft smile on his face 

"This is a place I go when I want to be alone, well I use to till I was sent to Midgard." Walking up to you Loki placed his hand on your lower back again. Looking around he looked content and it brought a warmth to your heart. 

"well this place is beautiful." Walking up to a shelve you began looking over all the books taking it all in.




Hours have passed before you knew it. Piles of books were around you and Loki as you both sat on the floor with your backs to each other leaned against each other. You felt so secure and content in that moment you didn't want it to end. There was a peace in that silence you could explain. Loki turned his head slightly as he closed his book

"Y/n thank you." Loki said softly.

"Mm.." turning your head to look at Loki placing your book down you smiled at Loki "Why?"

"For accepting me I guess. For allowing me to be me around you." he spoke softly trying to think as he spoke.

"Loki.. You don't have to thank me for accepting you. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you understand..." You let out a soft sigh. "You are truly one of a kind and anyone who cant see that is blind." You couldn't see it but Loki felt pricks in his eyes as tears formed. He quickly pushed them away and cleared his throat as he stood up giving you his hand. 

"We should meet up with my brother before he decides to break down these doors next." You smiled softly at him as you took his hand 

"Okay. Id love to come back here maybe tomorrow?" You looked hopeful. Loki took this moment to pull you close and tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear while looking deep into your eyes.

"We can do whatever you wish y/n." Slowly he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead which sent shivers down your spine. Loki was easily causing you to fall deeper and deeper in love with him and he had no clue the power he had over you but you knew and at this point you knew where he stood in your life and how far you'd be willing to go for him. However for some reason you were scared to tell him. You smiled softly at him "Lets go my love." Wrapping his arms around you, the two of you teleported to Thor and his friends for a night of fun. 

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