Chapter 18

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Once the jet landed you and Loki took off to the front of the building Strange followed behind the two of you since Tony wasn't nice enough to give him any directions. You quickly hid behind a large rock and Loki used an illusion to make himself vanish. Strange kneeled down next to you to hide.

"How do we know when to attack?" barely above a whisper you peaked up to look at the building.

"Remain hidden love" Lokis voice was suddenly in your ear causing you to jump slightly.  You quickly slapped his arm 

"You can not startle me here Loki."

"If you two are done arguing.." Suddenly gun fire began to ring out causing you to reach for Loki and Strange at the same time. They both took your hands as you listened. Tonys voice came to your ear 

"Okay guys Steves in and their attacking us. Here they come!" Tony was not enjoying the fight and you could hear it in his voice through the coms. You looked over the rock again when Stephen pulled you back down quickly.

"Over there!" A guard yelled out as he began to shoot towards you guys. 

"Shit." You pulled away from Stephen and Loki and took off running towards them.

"Y/n Stop!" Loki yelled as he took his illusion down and chased after you with Strange following close behind him. You focused on keeping a shield up in front of you as you charged the guards. An idea dawned on you as you skid to a stop Loki and Strange nearly running into you. Quickly you glanced back at Loki and held out your hand. He looked at you confused for a moment as you nodded 

"Trust me. I need you to throw me" His eyes widened but he grabbed your hand and nodded. "Now!" He used all his strength to swing you around him and towards the guards. As you flew towards them you tightened your shield close to your body feeling bullets bounce off of you as Loki and Stephen began to fight guards that had come from the sides. You slammed into the guards ahead of you like a bullet killing them almost instantly. You stood up and looked around you smirking "That's what you get!" kicking one of them you glanced up and saw the doctor from your past standing in the distance as he spoke to a guard looking directly at you. Your blood ran cold. Loki noticed this too and quickly killed the guards by him 

"Wizard! She's been spotted!" Loki yelled over the sound of the fighting Strange glanced over and saw the guards charging at you as your magic began to swarm around you. Loki running in your direction.

"What's going on?" Tony spoke through the ear piece.

"They spotted me." Your voice cracked slightly. Your emotions were everywhere

"Don't engage babe I'm coming!" Tony yelled into the coms but You pushed off the ground before he finished and ran towards the guards drawing your daggers

"Don't kill her capture only kill the others!" The doctor yelled out causing Stephen to feel anger for the first time in a long time. He took care of the guards on his end and took off towards the same ones you were going after you. You began slashing at them kicking them back to avoid being surrounded. Using your magic you threw a couple away from you to behind you for Loki and Stephen to take care of. After a moment of fighting them off you felt a solid mass against your back. 

"Breath. we've got this love." Loki nearly growled seeing nearly 50 more guards surrounding you two. You felt something warm against you and quickly realized Loki was really injured. You glance to the side and see Tony fighting at least twenty as they some how manage to partly dismantle his suit but he was still fighting them off the best he could. Quickly you look over to Stephen to see him finishing off the last few guards who had him pinned his face pretty bloody. You prayed  and Thor was okayYou take a deep breath. You lock eyes with the doctor as he smirked at you. You smirk right back at him as you threw a dagger into the guard standing between you two. The guard fell to the ground. Looking around again you watched the guards advance on you and Loki. looking down at your hands you felt your power grow. Your eyes began to burn from the sudden surge of power running through you. Loki throwing magic and daggers you knew he wouldn't be able to keep up. He turned to you his eyes looking concerned. You smiled at him and pulled up a weak shield for a moment

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