Chapter 21

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Loki quickly teleported back to the tower as the others gathered to return home with Stephen. Loki rushed down the hall to the medical ward with you held close. Bruce was busy working on something on the computer when he heard Loki quickly approach.

"Did you have any..." Turning he saw Loki and you his face quickly dropped when he saw how weak and bloody you were "get her on the table quickly." Rushing to his tools he began getting medication drawn up and began getting his stuff ready. Loki laid you down gently and held onto your hand. "Loki what happened?" 

"She.. they nearly killed her. Even wiped her memories. I gave her some of my powers but I don't think it's enough." Loki watched you as he held onto your hand slowly attempting to continue to give you his magic. Bruce quickly hooked you up and began to monitor your vitals. 

"Well her heart rate is slow but steady. Let's get her wrapped up it's a good thing this isn't worse." Lokis face visibly darkened slightly.

"I Gave her a lot of my magic to get her to this point." Surprised Bruce looked at Loki 

" Then Loki I am almost sure you saved her life. However she'll be week for the next few weeks. magic or not she's really beaten up I'll do some scans to see how badly." He began scanning you and looking at his screen. "She has.. well had internal bleeding here" He was pointing to the screen "And here.. and it looks like she still has a broken wrist and some ribs too" mostly talking to himself Loki watched. In Asgard the medical ward was better but he didn't think you'd handle Asgard well. Not yet anyways. He decided to trust Bruce.

Tony and Stephen came rushing into the room and over to you and Loki. Tony leaned over you and brushed your hair away from your eyes. Stephen kept his distance and looked at what Bruce was doing.

"She seems stable now at least." Stephen let out a sigh as he glanced over to you. He saw Loki holding your hand but ignored the ping. Now wasn't the time to allow his emotions to speak.

"Thank god." Tony kneels by the table and placed his hand onto your free hand. Loki was honestly too weak himself to argue with him as he continued to hold onto your hand.

"I've got this horns" Tony said as he pulled up a chair.

"Not a chance Stark. I'm not leaving her side. You'll have to kill me."

"Geez I meant go get a shower. Food. something. Not leave her for good." Tony waved his hand as he looked over the screen while holding your hand. 

"No thank you. Until she's awake I'm staying." Tony got annoyed but just stayed quiet as Bruce continued to work on you. Stephen couldn't help but feel annoyed for you. You were out cold and they were arguing over you. Tony especially was not taking into consideration that Loki basically gave his energy to keep you alive. Stephen walked over to you and leaned passed Tony and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and turned to walk away. Stopping in the door way he sighed 

"You two need to remember she is alive. Not a toy to fight over.  We could have easily lost her And we nearly did. Tony You need to realize and accept that Loki saved her life. As much as we care about her, Loki is the one that gave his power to her. He saved her. Not us. In fact I believe he's still giving her power." Stephen walked out of the room and went to go shower.

Tony Looked over to Loki and realized Loki was really pale, He glanced down at You and Lokis hands and saw the slight green shimmer. "You really are aren't you?" Loki simply nodded and laid his head down onto the table.

"I'd give her my life Stark. Even if she didn't ask me to. This won't kill me She needs to heal." Tony was shocked at the selflessness of Loki in that moment and nodded. 

"I appreciate that Loki I do."

"It's not for you Stark. I know how you desire her.  However I won't make her choose. Even if I have to desire her for the rest of eternity as long as she's happy I'll be here" Loki closed his eyes and sighed. Tony could help but feel a mix of emotions. 




Your eyes burned as you opened them, You felt surprisingly warm so you closed your eyes again. You felt a pressure on your hand so you cracked your eyes open again and looked down to your hand. Seeing Loki laying his head on the bed next to you his hand in yours. Opening your eyes you looked at Loki as he slept. You felt your heart thump a bit more as you subconsciously tightened your grip. A smile creeped on your face as your heart was warmed by him. You heard movement to the other side of you. Quickly you looked over and saw Tony curled up in a blanket on a chair in the corner fast asleep as well. You felt so cared for in that moment you let out a soft sign. Both of them stayed by your side while you slept. Now it was your turn to return the favor. Lifting your free hand purple myst formed around your hand as you sent your magic to both of them. Allowing for peaceful dreams to fill their minds. For a split second your magic flickered green then back to its normal purple. Sighing you lowered your hand.

"That explains why i'm not dead.." glancing down at Lokis hand again you felt a very strong emotion. Unsure you slowly let go of his hand, causing Loki to frown in his sleep. "Oh Loki.. Thank you.." taking his hand again you lifted it and placed a kiss on his hand. Out of the corner of your eye you saw someone standing at your door. You met eyes with Bruce.

"He may have been the villain for a long time, He has changed so much since you've come here y/n" Bruce said softly "We all have in a sense I guess. But him.." leaning against the door he crossed his arms "Its hard to explain. Natasha use to be able to calm Hulk. You are Loki's Natasha." You could see the pain in his eyes as he remembered her. According to Tony she took off a couple years ago and no ones seen her since. You smiled softly at Bruce as you pulled yourself to sit up wincing in pain. Bruce quickly made his way over to you helping you sit up. Loki stirred slightly but his soft snores continued. "Please be careful. You're still very injured." You nodded slightly and looked over at Tony who looked stressed even in his sleep. "Tony hasn't left your side either you know. He's a jerk at times but he does seem to have a soft spot for you." You felt your heart flutter slightly hearing that. " Y/n we all care about you and you really scared us. Stephen was really torn up knowing he had to let Loki save you." Looking at Bruce you sighed

"The hero has to always put the world before their friends and loved ones.." looking down you looked at you and Loki's hands intertwined. 

"Yes but we also knew Loki would put you first y/n. Tony and Stephen didn't abandon you. They Trusted Loki. That in itself would never of happened if it wasn't for you." He sat on the side of your bed next to you and took your other hand "I'm glad you found Tony that day. I look at you as family and you honestly bring a sense of calm I haven't known in a long time. Keep the guys close No matter what they will always protect you." You felt tears in your eyes forming as you slowly let go of Lokis hand and wrapped your arms around Bruce. The two of you never really got to talk before much. You watched him work in the lab when you spent time with Tony and you helped him a couple times but you two never really had a heart to heart like this. You never knew what love really was, romance or family, However Bruce and everyone has quickly stolen your heart and helped you find your place in the world. You knew you'd give your life for them all. Without a second thought.

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