Chapter 2

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You were sitting in the car with the agent next to you watching a research lab. Keeping your expression as empty you scanned your surroundings. There were so many people coming in and out you had no clue where this was going to go and how messy it was going to get. You knew they sent you because of your curse. Powers they've never had any of their agents have. You nearly jumped when You heard the agent clear his throat. 

"Listen to me. I don't want a huge mess. I want this target eliminated. His work retrieved then we go back. Your job is to keep the guards and anyone who tries to stop me off my back." His face was aggressive, but you could tell he just wanted to get this over with. You Nodded and looked over to the building again.

"Understood sir"

Letting out a sigh he opened his door "Fucking Soldiers are so enjoyable." he said closing the door.

"Dick" you blurted out. Luckily, he didn't hear you, you couldn't risk blowing this. He had to think you were a broken controlled soldier. You Got out of the car and began walking with the agent inside the building. The two of you were dressed as cleaning people. Glancing up you saw cameras and they looked extremely high tech. "eyes at ten o'clock" you calmly said to the agent as the two of you walked. This surprised him slightly a smirk growing on his lips.

"Yes, I know. Keep focus." he said smoothly. You kept walking till you were in the elevator with the Agent. Keeping your composure, you watched everything. As the elevator reached the floor of his destination. With a ding the doors opened to a lab people were working diligently on their computers and running tests on an isolated blue cube in the middle of the floor. Your eyes locked on it. Feeling drawn you had to force yourself to look away. You glanced over and locked eyes with the agent who was watching you intently. Leaning over he whispered "Thats not our target today. Just make a scene while I finish the job." He straightened up and smirked again "Could you imagine the reward if we brought that bad boy back with us? They may even let you have your freedom." chuckling he walked off towards a group only to be stopped by a man who had a weird glowing piece on his chest.

"Whoa there buddy. Selivg is busy running tests while my equipment's here. You're going to have to wait" he said putting his hand on the agents shoulder. The agent cleared his throat

"Very well but I'm here to fix some wires before this floor loses power." forcing a smile you could tell the agent was getting annoyed. Slowly you looked around and locked your gaze on the blue cube again. 

"My Freedom huh? maybe I can make a trade for my freedom with it?" You started walking towards it without much thought your face looking numb but your eyes glistened with hope. Suddenly a doctor grabbed your arm causing you to jump.

"mam what are you doing? Are you alright?" he asked in a thick German accent. He looked more concerned for you then anything. You look over to the agent who is watching you he gives you a nod. You let out a sigh and look back at the kind doctor.

"Yes I'm fine sir, however I have to follow orders or they will kill me or worse. Please let everyone know that afterwards.." Your eyes held sadness then glazed over as you forced yourself to become numb, so this didn't break your heart. You twisted the doctor's arm suddenly and swung over his shoulder throwing him with your legs. The force threw him into the wall instantly knocking him out. Guards and doctors ran towards you as you continued to walk towards the cube. You effortlessly kept throwing them to the side and off of you with simple flings of your arms and wrists. You weren't going to use your powers because you didn't want to kill anyone.  Suddenly you felt metal grab your waist and be pressed against your back and you couldn't move. Turning your head you saw it was a man in a metal suit holding you still. His suit felt cold but also send warm through your skin. It almost felt nice.

"You're quite strong there. However, I'm stronger." you could basically hear his smirk in his voice. You turned your head again and saw the agent about to kill the doctor, As he struggled against the agent who had a knife to his throat. Your numbness was destroyed. You couldn't let this happen that doctor was innocent you felt it in your bones and saw it in the fear in his eyes. You struggled against the man holding you. Panic began to bubble up inside of you. "Whoa calm down. You're not going anywhere!" He raised his other hand quickly causing you to flinch which released a shock wave from your body of pure energy. The energy knocked Everyone in the room off their feet including the Agent. You looked around and saw the agent was bleeding from cracking his head against the edge of a near by table the energy wave threw him into. You looked over at the man in the Iron suit to see he removed his face plate and had a truly shocked look on his face. Feeling very dizzy you made your way over to the doctor he was about to kill and dropped to your knees next to him. 

"Are you okay?" you ask softly as he looked at you. Nodding he took your hand.
"Thanks for helping me But how did you manage that?" You noticed your vision starting to become spotty.

"I have to.. hide. I have to... before Hydra..." something struck you in the head causing you to fully pass out. The doctor caught you as you fell forward.

"Mr. Stark! Why did you do that she just saved me!" He looked up at the man in disbelief.

"Selivg, She was trying to steal the tesseract" He said kneeling down to take you from the doctor who swiped at Tonys Hand.

"The hell she was Tony! I was nearly killed by that guy" Pointing to the man on the ground near by "Till she sent out that energy wave." Laying you down on the ground gently he stood up "Tony she said she had to hide from hydra. I Think that guy forced her here" guards began to gather around the agent unconscious on the ground

"She said she was sorry to me before she even started the attack saying she had to follow orders or be killed" a man said from behind Tony. Looking you over Tony moved some hair from your face and really examined you. "Jarvis run a scan on her please" Tony said smoothly as he touched your cheek. 

"Sir from what I can tell from just a Basic scan, She is extremely malnourished, and severely injured. Some new and some healing. Sir if I may She seems to be being highly abused" The AI sounded very concerned. Tony let out a sigh

"That would explain why she flinched so hard to trigger her power.." He looked to the ground and closed his eyes. Taking her hand he pricked her finger.

"Running blood scan now sir" after a moment the AI spoke again "It appears she's been the victim of year's worth of experimentation. Her blood also shows signs of the same serum that was used on Rogers along with 211 others" Tonys eyes shot open and he stared at her in disbelief.

"You're Telling me she's been tested on over 212 times? How long could that have taken?" Tony Picked you up instantly feeling guilt hit him over how he handled you.

"Sir it appears she's been dealing with this from anywhere between 8 to 10 years based on how malnourished she is alone under that suit she's wearing she's basically just bone sir. However, because she has the super serum Like Rogers, she can perform well but not for long she needs medical attention." Looking around the room Selivg nodded to Tony

"You know the perfect doctor. Get her help and watch her. If she's telling the truth Protect her Tony."

"Jarvis, call the tower and let them know Im on my way with a new room mate."

"Right away sir" 

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