Chapter 26

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As you walked through the city towards the castle you couldn't help but look around and watch as everyone was watching you guys. Loki held his head tall with a small smile on his face and Thor looked thrilled to be home. You held onto Lokis arm which only caused Loki to smile brighter. You were so nervous to meet Odin and his wife but you were ready to learn all you could about Asgard. Having Loki by your side brought a sense of peace to you, Knowing he was there and knowing he would protect you. However you felt something was off with Loki. You couldn't really pin point it but you could just sense something was off with him. Loki felt your uneasiness.

"Relax my mother will adore you love." Loki smiled as he walked

"How can you be so sure Loki? I mean.. I am basically just a lab experiment gone wrong" You felt such a strong wave of insecurity you couldn't stop the words from coming out of your mouth.

"Don't ever speak of yourself in such a way. You are amazing and Not a mistake in any way y/n" Loki looked down at you and smiled softly.  You felt a blush spread and smiled to Loki

"Thank you." looking towards the ground as you walked trying your hardest to hide your blush.

Soon you reached a set of golden doors as you felt your heart begin to race. Thor stepped to the other side of you and Loki remained holding on to you as you forced yourself to appear more relaxed then what you felt.

"You know y/n, For a Midgardian  you are really short.." Glancing down at you Thor really never noticed your height difference to you, let alone your height difference to you and Loki. 

"Thor.. Shut up." elbowing Thor you let out a sigh "Lets do this." A guard opened the doors and you walked in with Loki. The smell of dragons blood and frankincense filled your nose. You wiggled your nose

"It's only in this room love. Father likes it." Loki spoke in a hushed tone only you could really hear. You glanced up and saw a man sitting in a golden throne his hair a beautiful shade of silver, His left eye covered by a patch and an apparently permanently smirk on his face as he watched you. To his right stood a beautiful woman with long dark blonde hair. She had the biggest smile on her face when she saw you holding on to Loki Her dress was a soft green which to you told you she held a soft spot for Loki her youngest.

"My sons welcome home." Frigga opened her arms as she approached her boys. Loki let go of you only momentarily to hug his mother close and Thor embraced both of them. "It's so good to see you two, And I am happy to meet you as well Y/n" She turned to you and smiled brightly

"You know my name?" You couldn't help but sound confused but she simple smiled and nodded and pulled you in for a gentle embrace 

"Anyone who brings a smile onto my sweet Lokis face deserves the world. Thank you for helping my son come back." She whispered into your ear before letting go. Odin cleared his throat

"Welcome back boys. Loki I assume you've learned to care for the midgardians?" Thor patted his brother on the back as Loki took your hand into his hand. 

"Not all father I'm sorry to say. But this one yes. Also I've become close to the other Avengers that are left at the tower.

"Son the girl doesn't count. She's not truly midgardian. Are you blind?" Odin let out a chuckle as he looked over to Frigga who simply smiled at odin then glanced back at Loki and you.

"What do you mean? Of course she is. You know not of her origin."

"Ah but I do." He stood and approached you causing you to tighten onto Lokis grasp. "Let me see your hand y/n" He extended his hand to you. You looked at Loki who nodded slightly as he let go of your hand. Slowly you placed your hand into Odin's. Suddenly you felt a surge of power go from your hand and down your arm. Glancing down you see purple with traces of gold filling your veins. You looked at Odin who simply smiled at you. After all the stories you never thought you'd see Odin smile. "You see y/n You do have some midgardian blood in you but look at the gold. You also hold Royal Asgardian blood in your veins."

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