Chapter 36

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What seemed like forever, y/n and the others realized

The desolate battlefield stretched out before them, a bleak canvas of destruction and despair. Stephen, Y/N, Iron Man, Wanda, and Thor stood together, united by a common purpose—to face the looming threat of Thanos and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

The sky overhead was a swirling tempest of dark clouds, a reflection of the chaos that had gripped the world. The air was heavy with the scent of battle, and the ground beneath their feet bore the scars of previous clashes.

Iron Man, his suit gleaming with advanced technology, scanned the horizon with a steely gaze. "Alright, team, this is it. We're facing Thanos head-on, and there's no turning back. We have to stop him, no matter the cost."

Wanda, her powers of chaos and reality manipulation at the ready, nodded in agreement. "We can't let him win. The universe is depending on us."

Thor, Mjolnir firmly in hand, clenched his jaw with determination. "Loki's sacrifice will not be in vain. We'll avenge him and protect the universe and protect Y/n."

Stephen, his cloak billowing in the wind, looked to Y/N with care and a reassuring nod. "Y/N, remember what Frigga told you. You have the power within you. When the time is right, tap into it. I'm right here if you need my power... I know I'm not Loki but perhaps I can be of use.."

Y/N's heart raced as she felt the weight of their collective determination. She knew that the time had come to confront Thanos and bring an end to his reign of terror. The memory of Loki's sacrifice burned brightly in her mind, fueling her resolve. "You aren't Loki Stephen but you're very dear to me... I'm glad your by my side."

As if on cue, the ground beneath their feet rumbled, and the air crackled with tension. Thanos, the formidable titan, descended from the darkened sky, his presence an ominous harbinger of destruction. His gauntlet, adorned with the stolen Infinity Stones, gleamed with malevolent power.

"Thanos," Iron Man called out, his voice unwavering. "It ends here. You hurt our girl, and killed our friend, Your reign of terror stops now!"

Thanos's eyes, cold and calculating, locked onto Y/N, a predatory smile spreading across his lips. "Ah, the one who possesses the Power Stone. You were always the key to my plans. ready to join me finally my dear?"

Y/N took a step forward, her powers surging beneath her skin. "You. Took. Everything from me. Now Your plans end here, Thanos. I won't let you harm anyone else."

With a thunderous roar, Thor summoned a bolt of lightning, Mjolnir crackling with divine energy. He hurled the mighty hammer towards Thanos, aiming to strike a decisive blow. But Thanos was quick to react, raising his gauntleted hand to intercept the attack. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, creating a crater of destruction.

Wanda, her eyes ablaze with crimson energy, extended her hands, using her reality-warping powers to disrupt Thanos's control over the Infinity Stones. The gems on his gauntlet flickered and waned, and for a brief moment, it seemed like victory was within reach.

Iron Man, clad in his advanced suit, unleashed a barrage of repulsor blasts, each one striking with pinpoint precision. The combined efforts of the Avengers had momentarily pushed Thanos onto the defensive.

But Thanos, ever the cunning strategist, was not to be underestimated. With a defiant roar, he unleashed the full power of the Infinity Stones, unleashing a cataclysmic wave of energy that sent the Avengers flying backward.

Y/N, Stephen, Iron Man, Wanda, and Thor lay scattered across the battlefield, their resolve tested but unbroken. Thanos stood amidst the chaos, his gauntlet still gleaming with stolen power.

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