Chapter 24

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It was dark and cold all around you. You glanced over and noticed Loki wasn't with you. Fear peaked in your body however you knew there wasn't a chance this was real. You remembered entering Lokis mind. This was his memory. What was he trying to show you? You heard chains behind you and quickly turned to see Loki chained the the wall. His face bleeding and his eyes closed. He grunted as he sat up better. the sound of foot steps behind you drew your attention away from Loki. A tall purple alien walked right through you at that point causing you to gasp.You watched him walk over to Loki and yank him off his feet.

"Are you ready to serve me?"

"Never I am a god. Gods don't serve beings like you Thanos" Loki spit at Thanos causing Thanos to punch Loki so hard you heard a crack. You jumped forward and attempted to grab his arm but you went right though him. He lifted Loki higher causing the chains to break that was holding Loki.

"You are not a god. You are nothing. You Will do as I've asked."

"I said.." Loki spit out blood. He looked so weak it caused your heart to ache "Never"

"Then I will break you. Show you your worth." With that the room fades to black causing you to spin around worried

"Loki!" You yelled out but no voice answered. Things became slightly brighter as you notice you're on a ship of sorts and the only dead give away was the large window to your right that showed stars and outer space. You glace around and see a swarm of beings stomping on something you approached the swarm and see Loki underneath them. You hear cracking and breaking as they continue their assault. Glancing up you see Thanos standing back just watching with a smirk on his face.

The room changed again to Loki being shocked over and over again his screams becoming more and more desperate.

The room changed into a Cell where Loki laid on the ground looking dead. You watched as tears filled your eyes. The man you've grown to care for so much watching this was unbearable. the room changed again this time reminded you of exactly what you went through. Loki was strapped to a table as everyone took turns stabbing him. You felt anger begin to fill but you pushed it aside and reminded yourself this was just memories.

"Enough" Thanos finally spoke after a few moments. Approaching Loki he stood over him as the others moved aside "Are you ready?"

"Why..Why me?" Loki asked weakly.

"Because You are the one who can rule over Earth if you do this. You can have your throne. Just help me get the stone"

"And.. Where is this stone..?"

"Get the tesseract and I'll have my stone."

"I... fine" Loki looked away towards your direction but you knew he couldn't see you. You slowly approached him and kneeled next to him as he looked so lost and destroyed. His face and body so badly beaten.

"So this is why..." You sighed as you glanced up at Thanos "You. I'm coming for you." Thanos grabbed a Scepter from his minion and kneeled down to Loki.

"Listen well "God" of lies. You will obey me and you will have your throne. To insure that take this." Loki glanced up and began reaching for the septor. You saw the blue glow and had a sick feeling In your stomach. As Loki took the Scepter into his hand an Erie blue magic shot directly into Lokis heart causing him to groan. He slowly lifted himself off the ground and stood.

"Give me my army." Loki sounded slightly different. His green eyes were a bright blue and he had bruised eyes.

"Get my stone Loki." He grabbed Loki close by his armor "And if you even think of running I will find you and destroy you and anything you care about."

The room filled with a bright light causing you to shield your eyes when you opened them you were back in your room with Loki. Your heart was racing and your hands felt clammy. Loki looked at you trying to gauge your emotions. You locked eyes with him for a moment.

"You were brainwashed into attacking New York.."


"You were beaten and tortured.." you felt a lump in your throat as you spoke.

"Yes." Loki looked calm. However you knew he was icing over his emotions. Slowly you took his hand and sighed

"Loki He won't win. This Thanos will be destroyed."

"And what if he kills you first? Id much rather.." You took your hand and covered his mouth

"We can't think like that. If he's coming to earth we will stop him." Loki took your hand and moved it

"y/n.." He pulled you into a hug and sighed into your hair.




Tony and Stephen were looking over some papers Fury had sent over when Loki walked into the room. He had told you to let him handle them two as you rested a bit. You could tell Loki wasn't in the mood to argue and you honestly didn't want to push him after he shared something so personal.
"So tell us what you know?" Tony turned to Loki and crossed his arms. Watching Lokis movements he noticed Loki seemed on edge.
"He's dangerous." Loki said plainly
"Obviously". Rolling his eyes Tony looked back at his papers "what do you know that these papers don't?"
"Well he's after the infinity stones. I'm not sure why but that's why I went after New York."
"Oh so you worked for him." Tony stated. Loki glared at him his expression hard and slightly angry
"No Stark. I was forced to. Kinda hard to say no to someone when they torture you." Tony looked at Loki slightly shocked. Stephen took a step towards Loki.
"Are you saying you were tortured by Thanos?" He looked at Loki with concern causing Loki to feel slightly uneasy
"Yes, and if he's coming back we need to be ready. He has an army."
"We have a hulk. As you know" Tony sounded proud of that and even smirked. Loki couldn't hold back the eye roll.
"Yes yes I know however you need to be prepared. You know yn will do anything to stop him"
"Yes. And I have a plan for that, But she's going to be pissed if we go through with it.." Tony sighed and pulledp up a file on his computer. Loki and Strange looked at Tony in shock and a bit of anger.
"Oh hell no don't tell me that's what I think it is" He took a step towards Tony as Strange grabbed Loki's shoulder.
"Let him speak Loki" Strange looking equally as angry.

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