Chapter 14

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"Um sure.." You peaked around Tony and looked at Fury. You could tell he was a man who had extreme power. Fury cleared his throat and reached his hand out. Slowly you stepped out from behind Tony and took a step towards Fury. You glanced at Tony and could tell he was clearly tense however, You took Furys hand and shook it. 

"Do you know why exactly I'm even here?" He asked mid shake. You pulled your hand back and shook your head "Im here for that agent but Im also here to see why the hell Stark here is so keen on keeping you. You seem pretty scrawny to me." He eyed you up and down causing you to feel very vulnerable. 

"I.. Uh." You took a small step back and Tony reached for your arm and gently pulled you next to him.

"She is not Scrawny and don't you talk to her that way." You looked at Tony and felt your heart flutter. No ones every stood up for you like that. 

"Let her talk Stark. I mean it." He hissed. He looked even more annoyed at you. 

"I am not scrawny. Like Tony said you have your agent why don't you just leave me alone? Im not hurting anyone."

"anymore. You see y/n I know about you attacking that lab. I know how you some how managed to stay alive with Hydra for ten years. You see No one has ever done that without being there pawn" He took a step towards you "That's why I'm here. You are either a spy or one hell of a Soldier" You felt your anger start to rise. Pushing back to urge to freeze this guy you bit your cheek. "Looking at you I can tell you're no soldier so that tells me you're a spy"

"I am not a damn spy! I fought like hell to keep my sanity just so I could escape that hell hole the first chance I got which I did!" You screamed at him. You felt pure rage as you took a step towards Fury "You don't even know the kind of hell I went through! Instead of asking me you decide to belittle me and try to tear me down and its bullshit!" Tony took a step back causing you to look and you noticed the floor was all ice. Black and green ice. You looked back at Fury who was smirking. Your eyes were glowing but in the purple glow was streaks of green. Loki was keeping his distance but also protecting you by adding to your power

"Don't even think about it Nick." Tony stepped between you two when he saw him smirk. Putting on a bracelet he clicked a button causing his hand pieces of his suit to form on his hands "She is under our protection and she is staying here"

"That's not your choice to make stark. Y/n under suspicion of being controlled by Hydra I am taking you in." He reached out towards you and Tony grabbed his arm "Tony. If you want her to have any chance of making it back here you will back down" Tony looked back at you absolutely torn. Was he suppose to protect you now or let Fury take you and save you in the long run. Fury held his ear "enter now." the elevator opened and four armed agents came out and swarmed you. Panic began to bubble up in you as you started to have a flash back from Hydra. Tony quickly turned to you. His eyes pleading for an answer

"Y/n I can stop this but if I do I can't promise this will end. If they take you now I have a chance to get you back here." Fury pushed past Tony and took your arms. Quickly he placed two limiter bracelets on your wrists and secured them. Almost immediately you felt yourself grow insanely weaker. You pushed your power forward and began freezing the air around you. Your Shield tried to form but it was so holy it would provide no protection. You let out a scream as you pushed your power forward more causing the brackets to start to burn from their power trying to control yours. "Leave her alone!" Tony was grabbed by one of the guards and restrained "You're hurting her damnit!" He was struggling against him with all his might. As soon as he went to blast at The agents around you the agent restraining his hit Tony against the head knocking him out. You looked over and saw Tony go slack in the agents arms Which triggered your anger once more. Throwing your arms out you blasted everyone away, keeping Tony safe from impact.  Fury quickly picked himself up with a gun drawn 

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