Chapter 13

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You began to feel yourself wake. The sun creeped in your windows as you turned away from the light. You groaned not wanting to be awake. You were just so comfortable. Slowly you began to open your eyes. Looking around the room you smiled to yourself Another night without nightmares. You felt yourself fill with joy knowing that this was now your life. This morning you were training with Stephen. You couldn't help but feel excitement. You climbed out of bed and rushed into the bathroom to get a shower. 

After washing your hair and body you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel. Looking at yourself in the mirror you couldn't help but look over yourself. You hardly had a scar on your body how was that possible? You touched your necklace and looked at yourself feeling happy. Truly happy. You had people who cared about you. It had only been a few days since you got out of Hydras hands but you were feeling hopeful. Walking out of the bathroom you hear a gasp and look up and nearly jump out of your skin. The floor around you turned to ice. There stood Stephen who had covered his eyes

"I am so sorry." He turned around quickly. "I was just coming to see if you were ready but uh clearly you're not. I'll just go." 

"Stephen just stay turned around. I'll be ready in a moment." You waved your hands slowly getting the ice to vanish as you walked over to your closet and began grabbing an outfit Tony had thankfully given you. It looked comfortable. You quickly changed and felt so much more comfortable.

 You quickly changed and felt so much more comfortable

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"Sorry about that Stephen. I just wanted to freshen up." You tied your hair up and walked over to Stephen and placed your hand on his back so he could turn around. He kept his eyes closed as he turned causing you to giggle a little bit "I'm dressed now" He nodded as he opened his eyes and looked you up and down.

"You look great." He smiled at you and walked over to the door. You followed till he stopped at the door. Your stomach growled alittle. Turning to you he opened a small portal and reached in and brought out a donut and handed it to you before closing the portal. You looked amazed.

"That's incredible!" you took a bite and sighed in relief. Strange smiled at you and opened the door. He could see why Tony seemed taken with you. He lead you into the hallway and closed the door. You turned to him while eating "Where are we going?" He smiled and Opened another portal in front of you two this one was much bigger.

"The Training room of course. Figured this beats walking there." He winked at you and stepped through. You slowly walked through and looked around. This was a totally new room but it was extremely well designed. The walls looked to be lined with sound proofing material and the floors were covered in a firm like foam. You and Strange walked to the middle of the room. 

"So tell me Y/n do you know how to use any of your powers?"

"Some yes. I can teleport if I really focus. I can also freeze things when I feel I need to."

"Okay so when your emotions are high." He began to circle you. This caused you to feel nervous. "I ask this because in order to perfectly control your power you have to control your emotions." He stepped a few feet back from you "Now tell me are you scared?" 

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