Chapter 34

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The snap had been Loki's neck, the rest became a blur to Y/n as she left his magic leave her, her body feeling the affects of him right away. The aftermath of the battle left a haunting silence that hung heavy over the decimated battlefield. Smoke billowed from the wreckage, and the stench of burnt earth and smoldering debris permeated the air. Among the shattered remnants of the once-heroic battle, Y/N knelt, her heart aching with the weight of her grief, her vision blurred by tears that refused to cease.

Moments ago, she had been poised to strike the final blow against Thanos, ready to obliterate the menacing titan and end his reign of terror. Her fist had crackled with a potent fusion of her own magical abilities and Loki's, a testament to their love and unwavering resolve. But in an instant, her heroic intent had crumbled, and now she clung to the lifeless body of the man she loved.

"Loki! Please!" Y/N's anguished cry echoed through the desolation, as if pleading with the universe to reverse the cruel twist of fate. Loki's once-mischievous eyes stared blankly into the abyss, their light extinguished forever. It was unfathomable that this was the end, that the man who had captured her heart had made the ultimate sacrifice.

Tears flowed freely from Y/N's eyes, mingling with the dust and dirt on her cheeks. Her sobs wracked her body, each one a painful reminder of the loss she had endured. It felt as though her heart had been torn asunder, leaving a raw, bleeding wound in its wake.

Stephen, who had been watching the tragedy unfold with a heavy heart, knew that he couldn't stand by and let Y/N suffer any longer. He had witnessed the depth of her love for Loki and the torment that had befallen her. With a wave of his hand, he summoned his mystical powers to create a protective barrier around Y/N, shielding her from Thanos's malevolent gaze.

Rushing to Y/N's side, Stephen knelt beside her, his cloak billowing in the aftermath of the battle. He gently placed his hands on her trembling shoulders, his touch a soothing balm amidst the chaos.

"Y/N, we have to go. It's over," Stephen whispered, his voice a calming presence in the midst of the devastation. He knew that as long as Thanos lingered nearby, their lives were in grave danger, and he couldn't allow Y/N to fall into the titan's clutches.

"No, no, no!" Y/N's sobs continued unabated, her grief unrelenting. Her fingers clutched desperately at Loki's lifeless form, as if trying to will him back to life. Her powers, once a source of strength, now raged out of control, manifesting as a tempestuous storm of energy that swirled around her, crackling with untamed emotion.

Stephen understood the urgency of their situation, and despite the emotional maelstrom that surrounded Y/N, he knew he had to act swiftly. He had seen the destructive power of her grief, and he couldn't risk exposing her to further danger. Gathering his resolve, he focused his mystical energies and began to form a portal—a gateway to safety, away from the horrors of the battlefield.

But Y/N's grief and rage were so potent that they disrupted the delicate balance of Stephen's magic. The portal wavered and flickered, its stability hanging by a thread. It was as if the very fabric of reality was recoiling from the torrent of emotions that threatened to consume Y/N.

"Y/N, please, you have to calm down," Stephen urged, his voice filled with urgency. He knew that if he couldn't get her out of there soon, they'd both be in mortal danger. But Y/N's grief was a tempest that refused to be tamed.

In one final, desperate surge of power, Y/N unleashed a wave of energy that pushed Stephen away and shattered his protective barrier. Her powers surged uncontrollably, creating a blinding explosion of light and force that radiated outward, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

The blast was like a beacon of pure emotion, a cry of anguish and despair that resonated with the very essence of the universe. It rippled through the shattered landscape, leaving in its wake a trail of devastation and a silence that was almost as deafening as the chaos that had preceded it.

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