Chapter 35

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The journey back to the Avengers Tower was a quiet one, with Y/N and Stephen wrapped in a heavy silence that mirrored the weight of her grief. Y/N's gaze remained distant, her thoughts consumed by the memory of Loki's sacrifice. She clung to the tattered remnant of his cloak, a tangible connection to the man she had loved and lost. Stephen kept his arm around her, helping her stand

Stephen walked beside her, his own heart heavy with the knowledge of what had transpired. He had witnessed the depths of Y/N's love for Loki, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for what had occurred. However he knew it had to happen this way. He knew that they needed to regroup with the Avengers, to share the news of Loki's sacrifice and the looming threat of Thanos.

As they entered the Avengers Tower, the familiar surroundings seemed strangely foreign to Y/N. She couldn't bear to look at the empty spaces that Loki had once occupied, his mischievous presence conspicuously absent. Every corner of the tower held memories of their time together, and it was almost unbearable to confront the reality of his loss.

Tony Stark, ever the observant one, was the first to notice the solemn expressions on Y/N and Stephen's faces as they entered the common area. He had been watching the news reports of the battle with Thanos and had been anxiously awaiting their return.

"Y/N, Stephen, what happened out there?" Tony asked, his voice tinged with concern as he approached them.

Y/N's eyes met Tony's, and for a moment, the pain that she felt was reflected in her gaze. She opened her mouth to speak, but her voice caught in her throat, and she couldn't find the words to convey the enormity of their loss.

Stephen stepped forward, his expression grave. "Tony, it's... it's Loki. He sacrificed himself to save Y/N and the universe from Thanos."

Tony's eyes widened in shock, and a profound sadness washed over him as he realized the extent of the sacrifice that had been made. Loki, the enigmatic trickster, had given his life to protect the universe from the threat of the titan. It was a selflessness that few had expected from him, and it left Tony with a heavy heart.

"Damn it," Tony muttered under his breath, his usually brash demeanor softened by the weight of their loss. He had come to know Y/N and Loki as friends and allies, and the thought of Loki's sacrifice weighed heavily on him. Especially seeing y/n in such pain

Y/N finally found her voice, her words trembling with emotion as she spoke of Loki's sacrifice. "He... he made the ultimate sacrifice, Tony. He saved us all, and I couldn't do anything to stop it."

Tony placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder, his eyes filled with sympathy. "I'm so sorry, Y/N, babe.. Loki was... he was a pain in the ass, but he was one of us. He made the ultimate choice, and no doubt he did it for you."

Y/N nodded, tears welling up in her eyes once more. The pain of losing Loki was a wound that seemed impossible to heal, and she couldn't bear to think of a world without him.

As the news of Loki's sacrifice spread throughout the Avengers Tower, the other members of the team gathered in the common area, their expressions a mix of shock and grief. Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Thor stood together, their solidarity a testament to the bonds they had forged as a team.

Thor, was perhaps the most affected by the news. His expression was one of profound sorrow as he grappled with the loss of his brother. He had seen the potential for redemption in Loki, and the sacrifice he had made had only solidified his belief in his brother's capacity for good.

"Brother," Thor whispered, his voice filled with sorrow as he approached Y/N and Stephen. "Loki's sacrifice will not be in vain. He has found his redemption. He found it because of you y/n..."

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