Chapter 20

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Loki reappeared just outside the building you were in. He glanced around, His body full of rage. For you, For him. He had been close to destroying the world just to find you and you were in this frozen waste land. Without a second thought he used his magic to blow the huge bulk doors open. Tony and everyone appeared behind him from there portal.

"Loki stop we have to have a plan!" Thor stepped towards his brother. Loki stopped and looked down his hands in fists.

"I swear to the gods Thor None of you will hold me back. She's injured and could be dying! Be the hero all you want clean out the damn place. Get your justice. But she comes before all of you" Stephen stepped forward and put his hand on Thors shoulder 

"Let him go. He will get her to safety. He's right. We are the heroes. We have to save the world vs one person and time isn't on her side. we have to clean this place out to prevent this happening to someone else." Tony looked at Stephen as He glanced at Loki "Save her." Loki looked back slightly shocked then smirked. 

"Already on it." Loki took off running down the halls killing anyone who got in his way. The others began clearing out the place.  He felt like he was running forever only moving towards the pulse of your energy which was growing weaker by the moment. 



The doctor had run back into the room and began hooking you up to a machine as sirens were blaring. You slowly opened your eyes and saw your vision was still blurry. You felt ungodly weak. 

"It seems we have visitors. No matter your memories will be gone shortly. Then you can help us eliminate them." You weakly shook your head.

"Id rather die." You whispered out causing the doctor to chuckle.

"Either way. This ends today." Two guards held you down as he began putting needles into you and strapping wires onto you. You felt your energy attempt to protect you but you just didn't have it in you to fight. You were too damaged and hurt. you sucked in a deep breath and with the rest of your energy you screamed out Lokis name. As You screamed the guard punched you so hard you passed out again. 



Loki skid to a stop as he heard your scream ring through the hall. He knew he was close. Hearing the commotion behind him he closed his eyes and focused on you completely. After a moment he was able to pin point your room and he ran to it. With a kick the door barely budged. He grunted and used his magic to destroy the door. The guards were thrown back however When Loki walked in the scene he saw turned his stomach. You were laid out on a table bloody, bruised, beaten to a pulp. Hooked out to a machine that was running and you laid there unmoving. He feared you were dead as his eyes glowed he locked eyes with the doctor.

"It's too late. She won't remember any of you. She'll kill you all in the name of hydra!" Loki tilted his head only slightly "This bitch will forever be ours!" The doctor smirked. Loki roared. He grabbed The doctor and threw him against the wall, pinning him up with one hand. His other hand held the edge of a dagger against his throat. "How dare you!! She is a Midgardian! She is Asgardian! You have nearly killed her after abusing her for years." Loki hissed lifting the doctor off the ground

"I don't care what she is. We made her! its too late for you to save her now" The doctor squirmed, his legs flailing. Loki dropped his dagger and wrapped his entire hand around the doctors throat. The man gasped and clawed at Loki's hand, but Loki just laughed maniacally.

"She is mine and you will not touch her ever again," Loki growled. "I'll kill you, you disgusting beast." His hand began to tighten around the doctor as he felt his throat begin to crush. His rage in full control. He was a god after all. He has seen so many battles. This was the first time however He let his rage control him. Suddenly he felt the doctors neck snap

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