Chapter 25

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"Let him Explain Loki." Stephen looked at Tony with caution in his eyes. Tony cleared his throat and began 

"Well it was originally made for Bruce but it came quite handy for you.." Tony pulled up the schematic for the original cell. Loki was pissed.

"So you mean to tell me you'd like to lock her up?"

"To protect her if need be maybe. She nearly just died trying to protect us."

"Are you mad?! She was locked away for years!" Loki was trying his hardest to hold his anger back. Stephen took a step towards Tony 

"If you think you're locking her away for any reason you're out of your mind Tony." his voice filled with determination and certainty. 

"I won't lose her like I lost pepper!" Throwing his fist onto the desk Tony let out a sigh. "You guys don't get it. She needs protected even if that means she hates me over it."

"Hate you? She'll kill you and if she doesn't I will. You'll lose her in a whole different way if you betray her in such a way Stark." Loki growled as he went to turn to leave the room. "I didn't want to do this so soon but I'm taking her to Asgard for a while. I won't have your insecurities cause a damage none of us can fix!"

"She can't leave. Fury will be pissed." Tony glanced up his eyes filled with grief and stress.

"Quite frankly I don't give a damn what Fury thinks." Loki was on the verge of losing his cool completely.

"Leave her be Tony. She needs to get away for a bit because apparently you can't seem to think straight and want to lock her up." Stephen turned to Loki and nodded. Loki smirked and nodded back and left.

"You just don't understand. She would be safe till Thanos is gone." Tony said as the door closed after Loki. Stephen held up his hand.

"No I understand but she's not an animal we can keep in a cage. Her life is hers and what she does with it us up to her. Not us. You can't control everything Tony and the sooner you come to realize that the better."

"I don't try to control everything Stephen."

"Yes you do and you're about to push Y/n Right into Loki's arms for good if you haven't already!" Strange yelled as stormed out of the room. Tony sighed and turned back to the screen. In a moment of rage he swiped his arm across the table Letting out a scream of anger mixed with pain. He knew they were right.




Loki walked into your room as you were reading a book. He watched you for a moment as you were in your own little world enjoying yourself. He knew he had to move quick before Tony or Fury could stop him.  You noticed Loki had entered your room and You could feel his anger and stress.

"Loki what's wrong?"

"Nothing. We are leaving." walking to your bathroom Loki began packing some of your stuff into a small bag. "You won't need clothes I can easily.." He was lost in his thoughts. You could see him beginning to calm down but you could also see he was rushing.

"Wait what?" You stood up quickly causing yourself to feel slightly dizzy. Shaking it off you walked over to Loki and placed your hand on his shoulder. "Talk to me Loki. What's going on?"

"I am taking you to Asgard. I want you to meet my mother and see the beauty my home holds." There was a knock on your door. You went to open the door to see Thor standing there with a huge smile on his face. 

"I hear we are taking you to Asgard!" Thor boomed causing you to smile. 

"Yeah I guess so" You turned to look at Loki who already had your bag packed holding on to it caused you to giggle. Loki looked slightly confused at you giggling the stress of moment ago melting away at your smile and laugh

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